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Network Member Application & Agreement, 2006-2011

Become a Member of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine! Any institution, library, or community-based organization with a health information mission is welcome to apply.

If you would prefer to fax or mail this application, please download this [PDF].

Responsibilities of Network Membership

As a Network member, your organization must agree to make the following contributions:

  • Designate an individual as your local contact person (the "NN/LM Liaison") for Network information/communications, including the "PNR-News" Announcement List;
  • Allow your organization to be listed in the national registry of Network members, available online through the publicly accessible NN/LM Members Directory; and
  • Provide basic information on collections and services to NLM by keeping your DOCLINE Institutions record up-to-date, if appropriate to your organization.

By pressing the "Submit" button at the end of this form, you acknowledge that you are authorized on behalf of your organization to request membership in the National Network of Libraries of Medicine and that your organization agrees to meet the above responsiblities of membership.

Please fill out the application below. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required for submission.

*Organization Name

Library or Department Name

*Street Address



*Zip Code


*Contact Person (who will serve as the NN/LM Liaison)

*Title of Contact Person


*Phone Number

Fax Number

Web site URL

Services provided free of charge to the public

Optional - Please complete the appropriate section by checking all that apply.

Section A - libraries

Internet Training
Mediated Searching
Onsite Collection Access
Online Search Training
Reference Services

Section B - all other organizations

Internet Training
Access to health information (e.g. brochures, handouts, etc.)
Referral Services


For additional information, please contact Patricia Devine at or call 800-338-7657.