PHSNURSING-L archives -- July 2003

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PHSNURSING-L archives – July 2003

  1. 90-day Detail Opportunity to Dep Sec, HHS for O-3/O-4

  2. A PHS Ribbon Checker

  3. A way to decrease the number of messages

  4. Announcement of transformation in DC

  5. CCPM Drafts Comment period extended to August 12.

  6. CCRF Missions Cancelled

  7. Celebrating 50 Year of Clinical Research

  8. change email address on listserve

  9. Changes to the PHS Nursing Listserv

  10. Chief Nurse Officer Update

  11. Deadline for CCPM Comments Still 6 August 2003

  12. FW: Commissioned Corps Update

  13. FW: DCP Proposed Promotion Standards are on DCP Website

  14. FW: MedWatch - Ziagen: virologic non-response reported with three -dru g combination therapy

  15. FW: PRO/EDR> SARS - worldwide (162): the end?

  16. FW: Vacancy Announcement for Statistician (Health), GS 12/13

  17. Fwd: The Restructuring Speech

  18. IHS Headquarters HP/DP coordinator position

  19. JCAHO 2004 Standards (Pre-publication Edition)

  20. MMWR Devoted to Health Disparities Experienced by American Indian s/Alaska Natives

  21. New USPHS Rackbuilder

  22. NPAC May and June Minutes and the July Agenda

  23. NPAC Strategic Plan

  24. Order of Precedence

  25. Please help

  26. Please Help

  27. Please help

  28. Please Help - From CAPT Dumont

  29. Please remove my name from the listserve.

  30. removal

  31. removal from list serve

  32. removal from listserve

  33. Remove

  34. Remove me from list

  35. Remove my name

  36. remove my name

  37. Remove name from List Serve

  38. removing me from list serve

  39. Removing my name.

  40. Request for Slides and articles on nursing in the federal governm ent & public health

  41. Requesting removal from list serve

  42. RN Staffing Ratios, Nurse to Patient Ratios, Safe Staffing

  43. Secretary's Announcement of the Transformation of the Commissione d Corps

  44. Secretary's Transformation Roll Out - July 3, 2003

  45. signing off of listserve

  46. subscribing, unsubscribing, and nettiquette for the list

  47. Temporary Promotion, Permanent Promotion, Deployment Readiness DR AFTS

  48. The USPHS Ribbon Checker/Rackbuilder Site

  49. updates, toolkits online workshops, broadcast and more for Aug im munization month

  50. West Nile Virus Patient Information Page in JAMA

  51. WHO medical supplies for IRAQ
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