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A Phase II Trial of Lapatinib and Trastuzumab With or Without Endocrine Therapy in Locally Advanced HER2 Overexpressing Breast Cancer Patients

This study is not yet open for participant recruitment.
Verified by Baylor Breast Care Center, December 2007

Sponsors and Collaborators: Baylor Breast Care Center
Information provided by: Baylor Breast Care Center Identifier: NCT00548184

We think that lapatinib will help to shrink your tumor when given prior to the main or primary therapy for the kind of breast cancer you have been diagnosed with. When treatment is given before the main or primary therapy, it is called neoadjuvant therapy. We will compare lapatinib with lapatinib plus trastuzumab (herceptin) for 12 weeks. If your tumor is estrogen receptor positive (ER positive), estrogen deprivation will also be given to you. Tumors that are ER positive have a lot of estrogen receptors found in them. This is also called "over expression" or amplification of estrogen receptors.

The most important information we will get from this study is to see the response to "neoadjuvant" (treatment given before the main treatment), lapatinib with trastuzumab (herceptin) in your tumor tissue sample.

Condition Intervention Phase
Breast Cancer
Drug: Lapatinib
Drug: Trastuzumab
Drug: Endocrine
Phase II

Genetics Home Reference related topics:   breast cancer   

MedlinePlus related topics:   Breast Cancer    Cancer   

ChemIDplus related topics:   Lapatinib    Lapatinib Ditosylate    Trastuzumab   

U.S. FDA Resources

Study Type:   Interventional
Study Design:   Treatment, Randomized, Double Blind (Subject, Investigator, Outcomes Assessor), Dose Comparison, Parallel Assignment, Efficacy Study
Official Title:   A Phase II Trial of Lapatinib and Trastuzumab With or Without Endocrine Therapy in Locally Advanced HER2 Overexpressing Breast Cancer Patients

Further study details as provided by Baylor Breast Care Center:

Primary Outcome Measures:
  • Data Analysis of the Biomarkers: Immunohistochemical staining of cells from breast biopsies and skin biopsies will be performed. [ Time Frame: One year ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

Secondary Outcome Measures:
  • Pathologic Assessment After 12 weeks of lapatinib and trastuzumab with or without endocrine therapy, the patients will undergo definitive surgery. [ Time Frame: 12 weeks ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

Estimated Enrollment:   64
Study Start Date:   January 2008
Estimated Study Completion Date:   January 2012

Intervention Details:
    Drug: Lapatinib
    Monoclonal antibody
    Drug: Trastuzumab
    Monoclonal antibody
    Drug: Endocrine
    Hormonal Therapy
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Ages Eligible for Study:   18 Years to 65 Years
Genders Eligible for Study:   Female
Accepts Healthy Volunteers:   No


Inclusion Criteria:

  • All patients must be female.
  • Signed informed consent.
  • Locally advanced breast cancers or primary breast cancers are eligible. Locally advanced cancers must be of clinical and/or radiologic size >3 cm, or >2 cm with clinical evidence of axillary nodal involvement. (If tumors are less than 3 cm, we will use radiologically measured tumor size to determine the minimal tumor size for eligibility and in assessing tumor size during follow-up).
  • HER2 overexpressing tumors defined as HercepTest score of 3+, or > 10% cells moderately or strongly HER2 positive by other methods, or Allred semi-quantitative score of >5, or gene amplified.
  • Negative serum pregnancy test (HCG) within 7 days of starting study, if of child-bearing potential.
  • Kidney and liver function tests - all within 1.5 times the institution's upper limit of normal.
  • Performance status (WHO scale) less than 2 and life expectancy more than 6 months.
  • Age at least 18 years.
  • No brain or leptomeningeal disease.
  • No previous or current malignancies at other sites within the last 5 years, with exception of adequately treated cone-biopsied in situ carcinoma of the cervix uteri and basal or squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.

Note: The presence of pathological involvement of axillary nodes will be assessed and agreed upon by two investigators.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Pregnancy or unwillingness to use a reliable contraceptive method in women of child-bearing potential.
  • Severe underlying chronic illness or disease.
  • Cardiomyopathy or baseline LVEF less than 50%.
  • Other investigational drugs while on study.
  • Severe or uncontrolled hypertension, history of congestive heart failure or severe coronary arterial disease.
  • Malabsorption syndrome, disease significantly affecting gastrointestinal function, or resection of the stomach or small bowel. Subjects with ulcerative colitis are also excluded
  • Taking any lapatinib-prohibited medication within 7 days of first dose of study medications. (See Prohibited Medications List in protocol.)
  Contacts and Locations

Please refer to this study by its identifier: NCT00548184

Contact: Anne C Pavlick, BS     713-798-7770    
Contact: Brenda Reusser, BA     713-798-1929    

Sponsors and Collaborators
Baylor Breast Care Center

Principal Investigator:     Jenny C Chang, MD     Baylor Breast Center    
  More Information

Responsible Party:   Baylor College of Medicine ( Jenny Chang )
Study ID Numbers:   H-20464
First Received:   October 19, 2007
Last Updated:   December 13, 2007 Identifier:   NCT00548184
Health Authority:   United States: Institutional Review Board

Keywords provided by Baylor Breast Care Center:
primary breast cancers  
Locally advanced breast cancers  

Study placed in the following topic categories:
Antibodies, Monoclonal
Skin Diseases
Breast Neoplasms
Breast Diseases

Additional relevant MeSH terms:
Neoplasms by Site
Molecular Mechanisms of Pharmacological Action
Antineoplastic Agents
Therapeutic Uses
Enzyme Inhibitors
Protein Kinase Inhibitors
Pharmacologic Actions processed this record on October 17, 2008

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