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Daneesh O. Simien , Ph.D.


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Guest Researcher

Processing Characterization
(301) 975-6895
(301) 975-4924

Research Interests

  • Electrical, optical and mechanical characterization of length sorted 2-dimensional (2-D) single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) thin films.
  • Developing network geometric parameters for evaluating 2-D SWNT networks.
  • Rheological properties of SWNT-polymer composites.
  • Mechanical properties of SWNT-polymer fully integrated nanocomposites.


    Ph.D. Rice University, Houston, TX, 2008.
    Dissertation: Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes as Viscosity Modifiers in Polypropylene Matrix Nanocomposites.
    Advisor: Enrique Barrera

    M.S. Rice University, Houston, TX, 2005.
    Thesis: Mechanical Properties of Fibers Made From Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Thermoplastic Polymer Composites.

    B.S. Material Science and Engineering Rice University, Houston, TX.

    B.A. French Studies Rice University, Houston, TX.

    Awards and Honors

  • 2007 SAMPE Second Place Award for University Research Competition, winning a trip to Paris, France to present at the SAMPE International Conference April 2008

  • 2006 NSF ADVANCE Workshop on Negotiating the Ideal Faculty Position at Rice University. Selected as one of 55 attendees from a group of over 730 applicants to participate in the workshop.

  • 2005-2006 The Robert A. Welch Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship.

  • 2004-2005 The Robert A. Welch Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship

  • 2000-2001 Academic-Athletic Award for Excellence


    Daneesh McIntosh, Valery Khabashesku and Enrique Barrera "Processing and Mechanical Properties of Continuous Fiber Systems Made from Fluorinated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Polypropylene Composites", Chem. Mater., 2006, 18, 4561-4568.

    Daneesh McIntosh, Valery Khabashesku and Enrique Barrera "Benzoyl Peroxide Initiated In-Situ Functionalization, Processing and Mechanical Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Polypropylene Composite Fibers" J.Phys.Chem.C., 2007, 111(2),1592-1600.

    Daneesh McIntosh-Simien, Valery Khabashesku and Enrique Barrera "Mechanical Properties of Fibers made from Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Thermoplastic Polymer Composites" SAMPE Conference Proceedings, Baltimore July 2007.

    Patent Applications

    Enrique Barrera, Daneesh McIntosh, Valery Khabashesku and Laura Pena-Paras. "Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Thermoplastic Polymer Composites Achieved Through Benzoyl Peroxide Initiated Interfacial Bonding to Polymer Matrices"

    NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division