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August W. Bosse , Ph.D.



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NRC-NIST Postdoctoral Research Associate

Multiphase Materials
(301) 975-6783
(301) 975-3928

Research Interests

Theory and simulation of polymer and soft-matter systems. Equilibrium microstructure. Template-directed self assembly. Continuum Monte Carlo techniques. Self-consistent field theory. Field-based modeling and simulation.


2006 Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)

2004 Master of Arts in Physics, UCSB.

2001 Bachelor of Science in Physics with Highest Honors, University of California, Davis (UCD).

Research Experience

7/2007-present National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associate, Polymers Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, Maryland. Research topics include theory and simulation of polymeric and soft-matter systems, including developing measures of order and determination of specific morphological features in confined block copolymer thin films. Simulations of glassy dynamics in mesoscopic, phase-field, and atomistic based models and its implications on ordering in block copolymer thin films. Financial support is provided by the National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associateship Program.

11/2006-6/2007 Guest Researcher, Polymers Division, NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland and Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Research topics included theory and simulation of polymeric and soft-matter systems, including development of mesoscale models of block copolymer systems with to spatiotemporally heterogeneous mobility.

7/2003-10/2006 Graduate Research Assistant for Prof. Glenn Fredrickson, Departments of Chemical Engineering and Materials, UCSB. Research topics included theory and simulation of block copolymer self assembly, microdomain defect populations in block copolymer thin films, block copolymer ordering on a sphere, laterally confined block copolymer thin film, self-consistent field theory, statistical mechanics, Monte Carlo methods, and numerical analysis. Co-advisor: Prof. Carlos Garcia-Cervera, Department of Mathematics, UCSB.

6/2002-6/2003 Graduate Research Assistant for Prof. James Hartle, Department of Physics, UCSB. Research topics included operator representations in quantum mechanics and their classical limits.

1/2001-6/2001 Undergraduate Research Assistant for Prof. Joseph Kiskis, Department of Physics, UCD. Research topics included quantum field theory, cosmology, and quantum field-theoretic aspects of quintessence.

8/2000-9/2000 Undergraduate Research Assistant for Prof. Bruno Nachtergaele, Department of Mathematics, UCD. Research topics included dynamics of quantum spin systems (Heisenberg XXZ model) and numerical modeling.

6/1998-5/2000 Undergraduate Research Assistant for Prof. Lawrence Coleman, Department of Physics, UCD. Research topics included FT-IR spectroscopic analysis of infrared lens systems and graphite fibers using a commercial Nicolet FT-IR spectrometer.

Refereed Publications

"Microdomain ordering in laterally confined block copolymer thin films," A.W. Bosse, C.J. Garcia-Cervera, and G.H. Fredrickson. Macromolecules 40, 9570 (2007).

"Block-Copolymer Ordering with a Spatiotemporally Heterogeneous Mobility," A.W. Bosse, J.F. Douglas, B.C. Berry, R.L. Jones, and A. Karim. Physical Review Letters 99, 216101 (2007). Selected for publication in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 16, Issue 23 (December 3, 2007).

"Orientational Order in Block Copolymer Films Zone Annealed below the Order-Disorder Transition Temperature," B.C. Berry, A.W. Bosse, J.F. Douglas, R.L. Jones, and A. Karim. Nano Letters 7, 2789 (2007).

"Self-consistent field theory simulations of block copolymer assembly on a sphere," T.L. Chantawansri, A.W. Bosse, A. Hexemer, H.D. Ceniceros, C.J. Garcia-Cervera, E.J. Kramer, and G.H. Fredrickson. Physical Review E 75, 031802 (2007). Selected for publication in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 15, Issue 14 (April 9, 2007).

"Defects and their removal in block copolymer thin film simulations," A.W. Bosse, S.W. Sides, K. Katsov, C.J. Garcia-Cervera, and G.H. Fredrickson. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 44, 2495 (2006).

"Representations of spacetime alternatives and their classical limits," A.W. Bosse and J.B. Hartle. Physical Review A 72, 022105 (2005).

NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division