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Ryan Murphy , Ph.D.



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NRC Postdoctoral Associate

Processing Characterization
(301) 975-6748
(301) 975-3928

Research Interests

Transport properties of polyelectrolyte solutions
  • Protein nanopore sequencing technology
  • Conductivity of polyelectrolyte solutions
  • Kinetics of polyelectrolyte and nanoparticle adsorption to surfaces
  • Professional Background

    • Dissertation: "Transport phenomena of polyelectrolyte solutions: Bulk conductivity and translocation of polystyrene sulfonate (NaPSS) through protein and synthetic nanopores"
    • Advisor: Professor M. Muthukumar
    • 2007-Present, NRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Polymers Division


  • Threading synthetic polyelectrolytes through protein pores. R.J. Murphy and M. Muthukumar. Journal of Chemical Physics 126,051101(2007).

NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division