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Jirun Sun , Ph.D.



photograph of Jirun Sun

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Guest Researcher

(301) 975-5439
(301) 975-4977

Research Interests

  • Metrology for dental materials;
  • 3D image analysis;
  • Light scattering;
  • Hydrogels and nanoparticles

    Professional and Educational Background

    National Institute of Standards and Technology
    Gaithersburg, MD.
    Guest Researcher, September 2006 - Present

    Louisiana State University
    Baton Rouge, LA.
    Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry, August 2006.
    Thesis title: Self-assembly of bolaform amphiphilic dendrimers
    Advisor: Prof. Paul Russo

    Shandong University, China
    Master of Science in Chemistry, 1997.


    Sun,J., Yu,K., Russo,P.S., Surface Properties of a series of amphiphilic dendrimers with short hydrophobic chains Langmuir, 2008, 24(5), 1858-1862
    Sun,J., Lyles,B.F., Russo,P.S., Diffusion of dextran probes in a self-assembled fibrous gel composed of two-dimensional arborols J. Phys. Chem. B, 2008, 112, 29-35
    Sun,J., & Lin-Gibson,S. MicroCT for measuring volumetric polymerization shrinkage of dental materials. Dental Materials, 2008, 24, 228-234

    NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division