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Jun Young Chung , Ph.D.



photograph of Jun Young Chung

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Postdoctoral Research Associate

Multivariant Measurement Methods
(301) 975-5732
(301) 975-4924

Research Interests

  • Harnessing wrinkling instabilities for advanced measurements of polymeric thin films

  • Mechanics of complex interfaces

  • Instability, adhesion, friction, and fracture at soft interfaces

  • Biomimetic materials design

Professional Background

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD
Postdoctoral Research Associate, July 2006 - present
Current project: Mechanical Instabilities in Polymer Films
Mentor: Dr. Christopher M. Stafford

Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering, September 2006
Ph.D. Dissertation: Adhesion and Fracture at Soft Interfaces
Advisor: Professor Manoj K. Chaudhury

Awards & Honors

  • NIST Sigma Xi Postdoctoral Poster Session 1st Place, "Surface wrinkling metrology for nanoscale polymeric materials," Feb. 2008.

  • Phi Beta Delta, Honor Society for International Scholars (Beta Pi Chapter), Lehigh University, since Oct. 2004.

  • Best Poster Presentation Award in Gordon Research Conference - Adhesion, Science of, "Roles of discontinuities and crack propagation in thin elastic films," Aug. 2004.

  • Ticona Excellence Award for Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Research, Society of Plastics Engineers, "Model studies of fouling release and bio-inspired adhesion," Oct. 2003.

Recent Publications

Articles in Refereed Journals (since 2004)


  • Onset of wrinkling as a sensitive probe of residual stresses in thin polymer films
    J. Y. Chung, T. Q. Chastek, M. J. Fasolka & C. M. Stafford
    Submitted, 2008.

  • Adhesive properties of a thin elastomeric film supported on a foam
    J. Y. Chung, J. Liu & M. K. Chaudhury
    Manuscript in preparation, 2008.


  • Characterizing polymer brushes via surface wrinkling
    H. Huang, J. Y. Chung, A. J. Nolte & C. M. Stafford
    Chemistry of Materials, 19 (26): 6555-6560, Dec. 2007.

  • Anisotropic wetting on tunable micro-wrinkled surfaces
    J. Y. Chung, J. P. Youngblood & C. M. Stafford
    Soft Matter, 3 (9): 1163-1169, Sep. 2007.

  • Studying friction and shear fracture in thin confined films using a rotational shear apparatus
    M. K. Chaudhury & J. Y. Chung
    Langmuir, 23 (15): 8061-8066, Jul. 2007.

  • Buckling modes of elastic thin films on elastic substrates
    H. Mei, R. Huang, J. Y. Chung, C. M. Stafford & H. -H. Yu
    Applied Physics Letters, 90 (15): 151902-1-151902-3, Apr. 2007.


  • Confinement-induced instability and adhesive failure between dissimilar thin elastic films
    J. Y. Chung, K. H. Kim, M. K. Chaudhury, J. Sarkar & A. Sharma
    The European Physical Journal E - Soft Matter, 20 (1): 47-53, May 2006.


  • Soft and hard adhesion*
    J. Y. Chung & M. K. Chaudhury
    The Journal of Adhesion, 81 (10-11): 1119-1145, Oct.-Nov. 2005.

    *One of a collection of papers honoring Manoj K. Chaudhury, recipient of The Adhesion Society Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science

  • The influence of elastic modulus and thickness on the release of the soft-fouling green alga Ulva linza (syn. Enteromorpha linza) from poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) model networks
    M. K. Chaudhury, J. A. Finlay, J. Y. Chung, M. E. Callow & J. A. Callow
    Biofouling (The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research), 21 (1): 41-48, Feb. 2005.

  • Roles of discontinuities in bio-inspired adhesive pads*
    J. Y. Chung & M. K. Chaudhury
    Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2 (2): 55-61, Mar. 2005.

    *Paper highlighted by The ESI Special Topics, Jan. 2008


Contact Address

Dr. Jun Young Chung, Polymers Division, NIST, Bldg. 224, Rm. B216, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8542, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8542, USA

NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division