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Silvia H. Lacerda , Ph.D.



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Guest Researcher

Multiphase Materials
(301) 975-6810
(301) 975-4977

Research Interests

- Nanoparticle surface engineering, protein conjugation, cell targeting, and controlled drug release - Quantum dots (QDs) for biomolecular detection and intracellular imaging - NIR QDs for deep-tissue imaging - Design and synthesis of peptide vectors for measuring drug release and transfection efficiency

Professional Experience

2006 - Present - Guest Researcher - Polymers Division

2004 - 2006 - University of New Orleans

2002 - 2004 - University of Wisconsin

2001 - 2002 - Marquette University

2001 - Ph.D. in Chemistry -University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

1997 - Ms.C in Chemistry - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

1995 - Bs.C in Chemistry - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil


Liposome-Templated Supramolecular Assembly of Responsive Alginate Nanogels. Hong, Jennifer; Vreeland, Wyatt; Lacerda, Silvia; Locascio, Laurie; Gaitan, Michael; Raghavan, Srinivasa. Langmuir in press.

Length Dependent Uptake of DNA-wrapped Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes. ML Becker, JA Fagan, ND Gallant, BJ Bauer, V Bajpai, EK Hobbie, SH Lacerda, KB Migler, JP Jakupciak. Advanced Materials, 2007, 19(7), 939-945.

Length-dependent optical effects in single-wall carbon nanotubes. JA Fagan, JR Simpson, BJ Bauer, SH Lacerda, ML Becker, KB Migler, AR Hight-Walker, EK Hobbie. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129(34), 10607-10612.

Quantum Mazes: Luminescent Labyrinthine Semiconductor Nanocrystals having a Narrow Emission Spectrum. SH Lacerda, SD Hudson, MD Roy, J Johnson, ML Becker, JF Douglas, A Karim ACS Nano, 2007, 1(4), 337-347.

Effect of an Oscillating Magnetic Field on the Release Properties of Magnetic Collagen Gels. Vania M. De Paoli, Silvia H. De Paoli Lacerda, Leonard Spinu, Bruce Ingber, Zeev Rosenzweig and Nitsa Rosenzweig. Langmuir. 2006 Jun 20;22(13):5894-9.

Photophysical, Photochemical and Tumor-Selectivity Properties of Bromine Derivatives of Rhodamine 123. Silvia H. De Paoli Lacerda, Bindo Abraham, Thomas C. Stringfellow, Guilherme L. Indig, Photochemistry and Photobiology, (2005), 81, 1430-1438.

Structure-Release Rate Correlation in Collagen Gels Containing Fluorescent Drug Analog. Silvia H. De Paoli Lacerda, Bruce Ingber and Nitsa Rosenzweig. Biomaterials (2005), 26 (34), 7164-7172.

Counterion Exchange Selectivity Coefficients at Water-in-Oil Microemulsion Interface. Saulo L. Gonçalves, Silvia H. De Paoli Lacerda, Laura T. Okano, Antonio C. Tedesco, João B.S. Bonilha and Frank H. Quina, Journal of Colloids and Interface Science (2003), 267 (2), 494-499.

The Structure of a Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid With and Without Trace Amounts of Water: The Role of C-H...O and C-H...F Interactions in 1-n-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate. Andrea Mele, Chieu D. Tran, Silvia H. De Paoli Lacerda, Angewandte Chem. (2003), 42, 4364-4366.

Absorption of Water by Room- Temperature Ionic Liquids: Effect of Anions on Concentration and States of Water. Chieu D. Tran, Silvia H. De Paoli Lacerda, Daniel Oliveira, Applied Spectroscopy (2003), 57(2), 152-157.

Determination of Binding Constants of Cyclodextrins in Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids by Near-Infrared Spectrometry. Chieu D. Tran, Silvia H. De Paoli Lacerda, Analytical Chemistry (2002), 74, 5337-5341.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of Inclusion Complex Formation of Cyclodextrins in Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid. Chieu D. Tran, Silvia H. De Paoli, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry (2002), Volume Data 2003, 44 (1-4), 185-190.

Fluorescence Lifetime and Quantum Yield of TMPyPH2 with Micelles and DNA. Vânia M. De Paoli, Silvia H. De Paoli Lacerda, Iouri E. Borissevitch, Antonio C. Tedesco, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2002), 344, 27-31.

Counterion Exchange Selectivity in Detergent-Polymer Aggregates. Silvia H. De Paoli, Patricia M. Nassar, Rose M. G. Naal, Joao B. S. Bonilha, Laura T. Okano, Frank H. Quina. Journal of Colloid and Interfa


Histones-mediated Intracellular Traffic of Quantum Dots. Gordon Research Conference - Bioanalytical Sensor hold in 2/24/2006 - 02/26/2006 at Crowne Plaza in Ventura, CA.

Developing New Drug Release Systems for Breast Cancer Treatment. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) , 06/14/2005.

An Overview of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) - BiomagnetICs Project. Advanced Materials Institute Research (AMRI), University of New Orleans, 10/14/2005.

NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division