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Chengqing Wang , Ph.D.


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Guest Researher

Electronics Materials
(301) 975-5221
(301) 975-3928

Research Interests

  • Investigate the fundamental materials sources of line-edge-roughness (LER) in photoresists and develop the theoretical framework to quantify LER using Small Angle x-Ray Scattering (SAXS) techniques.
  • Devoloping laboratory procedure for nanopatterning metrology by SAXS.
  • Professional Background

    • Dissertation: "Laser Light Scattering Study on Breathing Modes of Porous Hollow Spheres swollen in Liquid"
    • Advisor: Professor Chi Wu


    1. Tengjiao Hu; Chengqing Wang; Fuming Li; Frank W. Harris; Stephen Z. D. Cheng; Chi Wu. Scalings of Fluorine-containing Polyimides in Cyclopentanone. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 2000, 38(16), 2077-2080. 2. Chengqing Wang; Suhong Jiang; Chi Wu. Application of the Temperature-Ramped Holographic Relaxation Spectroscopy in the Investigation of Physically Cross-Linked Gels. Macromolecules, 2001, 34(19), 6737-6741. 3. Chengqing Wang; Chi Wu. Vibrations of a Hollow Nanosphere with a Porous Thin Shell in Liquid. Macromolecules, 2003, 36(25), 9285-9287. 4. Ping Cai; Chengqing Wang; Jing Ye; Zuowei Xie; Chi Wu. Hybridization of Polymeric Micelles in a Dispersion Mixture. Macromolecules, 2004, 37(9), 3438. 5. He Cheng; Guangming Liu; Chengqing Wang; Guangzhao Zhang, Chi Wu, Collapse and swelling of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-sodium acrylate) copolymer brushes grafted on a flat SiO2 surface, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 2006, 44(4), 770-778. 6. Ronald L. Jones, Wen-li Wu, Cheng-qing Wang, Eric K. Lin, Kwang-Woo Choi, Bryan J. Rice, George M. Thompson, Steven J. Weigand, Denis T. Keane, Proc. SPIE, 2006, 6152, 61520N.


    • Roughness Characterization of Nanoscale Structures with Small Angle X-ray Scattering, May 29-Jun 2, 2006, Baltimore,MD.

    NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division