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Milenko Markovic , Ph.D.



photograph of Milenko Markovic

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Research Associate II

The Paffenbarger Research Center (ADAF)
(301) 975-4660
(301) 963-9143

Research Interests

  • Calcium phosphate chemistry
  • Biomaterials and biomineralization – calcium phosphate cements
  • Dental caries prevention – role of fluorides
  • Professional Background

    • B.S. in Chemistry from Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Chemistry, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia in 1975.
    • Ph.D. in Chemistry from Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia in 1979.
      • Dissertation Title: Kinetics of Precipitation of Lead(II) Carbonates
    • Research Assistant, Research Associate and Project Leader at Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, 1975 - 1992.
    • Associate Professor (Docent) in Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 1990 - 1995.
    • Guest Scientist at the ADAF PRC, NIST, Gaithersburg, 1991 - 1995.
    • Research Associate II at the ADAF PRC, NIST, Gaithersburg, 1995 to Present.

    Honors and Awards

  • University of Zagreb Rectorate Award for the Best (Cum Laude) Students (1974).
  • Pharmaceutical Industry "Krka" Award for the work on tautomerism (1977).
  • Yugoslav Annual Award for the Best Young Scientist (1977).
  • Committee for Technical Development of Croatia, Medal (1983).
  • Fulbright Scholar Award (Fulbright Fellowship) (1986).
  • Mineralized Tissue Group Award at IADR in Montreal in the postdoctoral competition (1988).
  • Committee for Technical Development of Croatia, Medal (1989).
  • Gordon Conference on Calcium Phosphates, invited speaker (1992).
  • “J.J. Strossmayer” Annual Award sponsored by Croatian Academy of Science for the book “Croatian Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry” (1997).

  • Selected Publications

    • Calcium Phosphate Chemistry
      • Markovic M, Fowler BO, Brown WE (1993). Octacalcium phosphate carboxylates. 1. Preparation and identification. Chem Mater 5:1401-1405.
      • Markovic M, Fowler BO, Brown WE (1993). Octacalcium phosphate carboxylates. 2. Characterization and structural considerations. Chem Mater 5:1406-1416.
      • Fowler BO, Markovic M, Brown WE (1993). Octacalcium phosphate. 3. Infrared and Raman vibrational spectra. Chem Mater 5:1417-1423.
      • Markovic M, Fowler BO, Brown WE (1994). Octacalcium phosphate carboxylates. IV. Kinetics of formation and solubility of octacalcium phosphate succinate. J Crystal Growth 135:533-538.
      • Markovic M, Fowler BO, Brown WE (1994). Octacalcium phosphate carboxylates. 5. Incorporation of excess succinate and ammonium ions in the octacalcium phosphate succinate structure. In: Hydroxyapatite and Related Materials, P.W. Brown and B.R. Constanz, eds. Boca Raton: CRC Press, pp. 139-144.
      • Markovic M, Fowler BO, Tung MS, Lagergren ES (1995). Composition and solubility product of a synthetic calcium hydroxyapatite. Chemical and thermal determination of Ca/P ratio and statistical analysis of chemical and solubility data. In: Mineral and Scale Formation, Proc. of Am. Chem. Soc. Symp., Z. Amjad, ed. New York, London: Plenum, pp. 181-188.
      • Markovic M (2001). Octacalcium Phosphate Carboxylates, In: Monographs in Oral Science, Vol 18: Octacalcium Phosphates, Chow, L.C. and Eanes, E.D., eds. Basel: Karger, pp. 77-93.
      • Markovic M, Fowler BO, Tung MS (2003). Preparation and comprehensive characterization of calcium hydroxyapatite. J. Res. NIST, in preparation.

    • Biomaterials and Biomineralization
      • Chow LC, Markovic M, Takagi S, Cherng M (1997). Effects of cement liquid on the physical properties of the cement. Innov. Techn. Biol. Med. (Numero Special GRIBOL 97), 18: 11-14.
      • Markovic M, Takagi, S, Chow LC (1998). Properties of calcium phosphate carbonate cements, In: Transactions of Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, Volume XXI, Minneapolis: Society for Biomaterials, pp. 38.
      • Chow LC, Markovic M, Takagi S (1998). Calcium phosphate cements. In: Cements Research Progress, Chapter 7, Struble LJ, ed. American Ceramic Society, pp. 215-238.
      • Chow LC, Markovic, M, Takagi S (1999). Formation of hydroxyapatite in cement systems: Effects of phosphate. Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and Related Elements 144-146:129-132.
      • Markovic M, Takagi S, Chow LC (2000). Formation of macropores in calcium phosphate cements through the use of mannitol crystals. In: Bioceramics 13, Proc. of the 13th Int. Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine (Bologna, Italy), Giannini S and Moroni A, eds. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 773-776.
      • Takagi S, Chow LC, Markovic M, Friedman CD, Costantino PD (2000). Morphological and phase characterizations of retrieved calcium phosphate cement implants. J Biomed Mat Res (Applied Biomaterials) 58:36-41.
      • Markovic M, Takagi S, Chow LC (2000). Reduced hardening time of calcium phosphate cements, In: Transactions of the Sixth World Biomaterials Congress, Volume I, Minneapolis: Society for Biomaterials, pp. 340.
      • Chow LC, Markovic M, Takagi S (2003). A dual constant-composition titration system as an in vitro resorption model for comparing dissolution rates of calcium phosphate biomaterials. J Biomed Mater Res (Applied Biomaterials), in press.

    • Dental Caries Prevention
      • Chow LC, Markovic M (1998). Physicochemical properties of fluorapatite. In: Calcium phosphates in biological, industrial, and environmental systems, Amjad Z, ed. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.67-81.
      • Chow LC, Takagi S, Ftukhtbeyn S, Sieck B, Parry EE, Liao S, Schumacher G, Markovic M (2002). Remineralization effect of a low concentration fluoride rinse in an intraoral model. Caries Res. 36:136-141.

    NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division