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Gerald L. Vogel , Ph.D.



photograph of Gerald Vogel

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Senior Project Leader

The Paffenbarger Research Center (ADAF)
(301) 975-6821
(301) 963-9143

Research Interests

  • Calcium phosphate chemistry
  • Biology of bone and tooth development
  • Cariology
    • Human dental plaque and saliva
    • De and remineralization of teeth
    • Fluorides in dentistry
    • Calcium ph

      Professional Background

    • BS in Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 1965
    • MS in Physical Chemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 1970
    • PHD in Physical Chemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 1973
    • Washington Reference Laboratory, Supervising Scientist Program, 1970
    • Presidential Internship, Department Of Agriculture, 1972
    • Pharmacopathic Laboratory, Supervising Scientist, 1973
    • Research Scientist, American Dental Association at NIST, 1974
    • Project Leader, American Dental Association at NIST, 1990
    • Chief Research Scientist, Cariology group American Dental Association at NIST, 2000 to present.

    • Honors and Awards

      • NSF research fellow 1970.
      • 1980-present Reviewer for major Dental-Cariology Journals
        • Journal of Dental Research
        • Caries Research
        • Archives of Oral Biology
        • European Journal of Oral Science
      • Policy Reviewer for CDC 1998

      Selected Publications

    • Vogel GL,Brown WE (1980). Microanalytical techniques with inverted solid state ion-selective electrodes. II. Microliter Volumes. Anal Chem 52:377-379.
    • Vogel GL, Chow LC, Brown WE (1980). Microanalytical techniques with inverted solid state ion selection electrodes. I. Nanoliter Volumes. Anal Chem 52:375-377.
    • Popp RK, Frantz JD, Vogel GL (1980). An electrode technique for measurement of chloride in microsamples. American. Mineralogist 65: 393-395.
    • Vogel GL, Chow LC, Brown WE (1983). A microanalytical procedure for the determination of calcium, phosphate and fluoride in enamel biopsies. Caries Res 17:23-31
    • Rankine CAN, Moreno EC, Vogel GL, Margolis HC (1985). Micro-analytical determination of pH, calcium, and phosphate in plaque fluid. J Dent Res 64:1275-1280.
    • Carey CM, Gregory TM, Rupp NW, Tatevossian A, Vogel GL (1986). The driving forces in human dental plaque fluid for demineralization and remineralization of enamel mineral in: Factors relating to demineralization and remineralization of the teeth. S. A. Leach, Ed., Oxford IRL Press Ltd., pp. 163-173.
    • Carey CM, Tatevossian A, Vogel GL (1987). The rapid determination of extracellular potassium concentrations in whole human dental plaque and plaque fluid. J Dent Res 66:1516-1517.
    • Vogel GL, Carey CM, Chow LC, Brown WE (1987). Microelectrode techniques for the analysis of oral fluids. J Dent Res 66:1691-1697.
    • Carey, C.M.; Vogel, G.L.; And Chow, L.C. (1988): The Determination of ex-tracellular fluid volume in whole dental plaque using potassium- or chloride-selective micro-electrodes. J Dent Res 67:866-869.
    • Vogel GL, Carey CM, Chow LC, Gregory TM, Brown WE (1987). Ultramicro analysis of the fluid in enamel during in vitro caries attack by hydrochloric acid. Caries Res 21:310-325.
    • Carey CM, Chow LC, Tatevossian A, Vogel GL (1988). Extracellular potassium concentrations in human dental plaque fluid recovered from single site. Arch Oral Biol 33:493-498
    • Carey CM. Gregory TM, Tatevossian A, Vogel GL (1988). The buffer capacity of single-site, resting human dental-plaque fluid. Arch Oral Biol 33:487-492.
    • Vogel GL, Carey CM, Chow LC, Gregory TM, Brown WE (1988). Micro-analysis of mineral saturation within enamel during lactic acid demineralization,. J Dent Res 67:1172-1180.
    • Ekstrand J, Spak CJ, Vogel GL (1990). Pharmacokinetics of fluoride in man and its clinical relevance. J Dent Res 69(Spec Iss):550-555.
    • Vogel GL, Carey CM, Chow LC, Ekstrand J (1990). Fluoride analysis in nanoliter- and microliter-size fluid samples. J Dent Res 69 (Spec Iss):522-528.
    • Vogel GL, Carey CM, Chow LC, Tatevossian A (1990). Micro-analysis of plaque fluid from single- site fasted plaque. J Dent Res 69:1316-1323.
    • Vogel GL, Carey CM, Chow LC (1991). Permselectivity of sound and carious human enamel as measured by membrane potential, J Dent Res 70:1479-1485.
    • Vogel GL, Carey CM, Ekstrand J, (1992). Distribution of fluoride in saliva and plaque-fluid after a 0.048 mol/L NaF rinse. J Dent Res 71:1553-1557
    • Venkateswarlu P, Vogel Gl, (1996). Fluoride analytical methods, in fluorides in dentistry, Fejerskov O, Ekstrand J, and Burt B, eds. Copenhagen: Munksgaaard, pp 27-39.
    • Vogel GL, Mao Y, Carey CM, Chow LC (1997). Changes in the permselectivity of human teeth during caries attack. J Dent Res 76:761-767.
    • Vogel GL, Mao Y, Carey CM, Chow LC (1997). Increased overnight fluoride concentrations in saliva, plaque, and plaque fluid after a two-solution rinse. J Dent Res 76:761-767.
    • Vogel GL, Zhang Z, Carey CM, Ly A, Chow, LC and Proskin, HM (1998). Composition of plaque and saliva following a sucrose challenge and use of a a-tricalcium﷓phosphate﷓ containing chewing gum, J Dent Res 77:518﷓524.
    • Carey CM, Vogel GL (2000). Measurement of calcium activity in oral fluids by ion selective electrode: method evaluation and simplified calculation of ion activity products. J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol. 105:267-273.
    • Vogel GL, Zhang Z, Carey CM, Ly A, Chow LC, Proskin, HM (2000). Composition of plaque and saliva following use of an á﷓tricalcium phosphate-containing chewing gum and a subsequent sucrose challenge. J Dent Res 79:58-62.
    • Vogel GL, Zhang Z, Chow LC, Schumacher GE, Banting D (2000). Effect of in vitro acidification on plaque fluid composition with and without a NaF or a controlled release fluoride rinse. J Dent Res 79:983-990.
    • Vogel GL, Mao Y, Chow LC, Proskin HM (2000). Fluoride in plaque fluid, plaque, and saliva measured for two hours after a NaF or NaMFP rinse. Caries Res 34:404-411.
    • Vogel GL, Zhang Z, Chow LC, Schumacher GE (2001). Effect of a water rinse on “labile” fluoride and other ions in plaque and saliva before and after conventional and experimental fluoride rinses. Caries Res 35:116-124
    • Vogel GL, Zhang Z, Chow LC, Schumacher GE (2002). Changes in lactate and other ions in plaque and saliva after a fluoride rinse and subsequent sucrose administration. Caries Res, 36:44-52.boratory - Polymers Division

NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division