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Shozo Takagi , Ph.D.



photograph of Shozo Takagi

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Senior Project Leader

The Paffenbarger Research Center (ADAF)
(301) 975-6825
(301) 963-9143

Research Interests

  • Calcium phosphate chemistry and its application in biomineralization
    • In vitro and in vivo properties of self-hardening calcium phosphate cements (CPC) and CPC-polymer composites
    • Development of calcium phosphate bone gra

      Professional Background

    • B.S. in Physics from Kwansei Gakuin University in Japan in 1966
    • Ph.D. in Crystallography from University of Pittsburgh in 1971
    • Postdoctoral position, Vanderbilt University-1971 to 1975
    • Research Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory-1975 to 1978
    • Research Associate, American Dental Association Health Foundation-1978 to 1988
    • Visiting Professor, School of Dentistry Tokushima University, Japan-March 1990 to April 1990
    • Project Leader, American Dental Association Health Foundation-1988 to 1996
    • Senior Project Leader, American Dental Association Health Foundation-April 1996 to present

    • Selected Publications

    • Calcium phosphate chemistry and its application in biomineralization
      • S. Takagi, L.C. Chow, S. Hirayama and F.C. Eichmiller, “Properties of elastomeric calcium phosphate cement-chitosan composites”. Dental Materials, in press (2003).
      • H.H.K. Xu, J.B. Quinn, S. Takagi, L.C. Chow, “Processing and Properties of a non-rigid calcium phosphate cement”, J Dent Res 81, 219-224 (2002).
      • S. Takagi and L.C. Chow, “Formation of macropores in calcium phosphate cement implants”, J Mater Sci: Mater in Med 12, 135-139 (2001).
      • S. Takagi, L.C. Chow, M. Markovic, C.D. Friedman and P.D. Costantino, “Morphological and phase characterizations of retrieved calcium phosphate cement implants”, J Biomed Mater Res (Applied Biomaterials) 58, 36-41(2001).
      • L.C. Chow, S. Hirayama, S. Takagi and E. Parry, “Diametral tensile strength and compressive strength of a calcium phosphate cement: Effect of applied pressure”, J Biomed Mater Res (Appl Biomater) 53, 511-517 (2000).
      • K. Ishikawa, S. Takagi, L.C. Chow and K. Suzuki, “Reaction of calcium phosphate cements consisting of different amounts of tetracalcium phosphate and dicalcium phosphate anhydrous”, J Biomed Mater Res 46, 504-510 (1999).
      • S. Takagi, L.C. Chow and K. Ishikawa, “Formation of hydroxyapatite in new calcium phosphate cements”, Biomaterials 19, 1593-1599 (1998).

    • Oral soft and hard tissues-fluoride, calcium, phosphate interactions
      • L.C. Chow, S. Takagi, S. Frukhtbeyn, B.A. Sieck, E.E. Parry, N.S. Liao, G.E. Schumacher and M. Markovic, “Remineralization effect of a low concentration fluoride rinse in an intraoral model”, Caries Res 36, 136-141 (2002).
      • S. Takagi, H. Liao and L.C. Chow, “Effect of a low-fluoride-content, two-component rinse on fluoride uptake and on de- and re-mineralization of enamel lesions: An in vitro study”, Craies Res 35, 223-228 (2001).
      • S. Takagi, H. Liao and L.C. Chow, “Effect of tooth-bound fluoride on enamel de/remineralization in vitro”, Craies Res 34, 281-288 (2000).
      • S. Takagi, L.C. Chow, S. Shih and B.A. Sieck, “Effect of a two-solution fluoride mouth rinse on deposition of loosely bound fluoride on sound root tissue and remineralization of root lesions in vitro”, Caries Res 31, 206-211 (1997).
      • S. Takagi, L.C. Chow and B.A. Sieck, “Deposition of loosely bound and firmly bound fluoride on tooth enamel by an acidic gel containing fluorosilicate and monocalcium phosphate monohydrate”, Caries Res 26, 321-327 (1992).

    • Crystal structure determination by x-ray or neutron diffraction (selected from total of)
      • S. Takagi and G.A. Jeffrey, “A neutron diffraction refinement of the crystal structure of a-L-rhamnose monohydrate”, Acta Crystallogr B34, 2551-2555 (1978).
      • S. Takagi, M. Mathew and W.E. Brown WE, “Crystal structures of bobierrite and synthetic Mg3(PO4)2·8H2O”, Amer Mineralogist 71,1229-1233 (1986).
      • S. Takagi, P.G. Lenhert and M.D. Joesten, “Structure of potassium calcium hexanitrocuprate(II) at 295 K: Evidence for a static Jahn-Teller distortion”, J Amer Chem Soc 96, 6606-6609 (1974).

NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division