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Michael J. Fasolka , Ph.D.



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Leader - Combinatorial Methods Group

Multivariant Measurement Methods
(301) 975-8526
(301) 975-4924

Research Interests

Combinatorial and High-Throughput Methods for Materials Research. Gradient Library Design. Polymer Surfaces and Thin Films. Block Copolymers. Patterned Substrates, Scanned Probe Microscopy. Director: NIST Combinatorial Methods Center (NCMC) Project Leader: Combinatorial Methods for Nanotechnology and Nanometrology

Professional Background


  • Leader, Combinatorial Methods Group, Polymers Division, NIST
  • Director, NIST Combinatorial Methods Center

2002-2003: Staff Position, Polymers Division, NIST

2000-2002: Postdoctoral Researcher, Optical Technology Division, NIST

2000: Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT

1994: B.Phil., Materials Science and Engineering; B.A., Liberal Studies, University of Pittsburgh

Awards and Honors


§         Department of Commerce Silver Medal - Customer Service (2005)

§         Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering - PECASE (2004)

§         National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associateship (2000-2001)


§         National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship (1995-1998)

§         Josephine De Karman Fellowship (1999)

§         Materials Research Society Graduate Student Award (Fall Meeting, 1997)

University of Pittsburgh:

§         Chancellor's Undergraduate Scholarship

§         Lombardi Fellowship

§         Emma W. Locke Award

Selected Publications

Substrate surface energy dependent morphology and dewetting in an ABC triblock copolymer film, TH Epps III, D Delongchamp, MJ Fasolka, DA Fischer, EL Jablonski, Langmuir (in press)

Pattern-Directed to Isotropic Dewetting Transition in Polymer Films on Micropatterned Surfaces with Differential Surface Energy Contrast, D Julthongpiput, W Zhang, JF Douglas, A Karim, MJ Fasolka, Soft Matter (ASAP, 1/18/2007)

Combinatorial screening of the effect of temperature on the microstructure and mobility of a high performance polythiophene semiconductor, LA Lucas, DM DeLongchamp, BM Vogel, EK Lin, MJ Fasolka, DA Fischer, I McCulloch, M Heeney, GE Jabbour, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 90(1): 012112 (2007).

Influence of surface energy and relative humidity on AFM nanomechanical contact stiffness, DC Hurley, M Kopycinska-Müller, D Julthongpiput and MJ Fasolka, Applied Surface Science, 253(3): 1274-1281 (2006)

Measuring the modulus of soft polymer networks via a buckling-based metrology, EA Wilder, S Guo, S Lin-Gibson, MJ Fasolka, CM Stafford, MACROMOLECULES 39(12): 4138-4143 (2006)

Effect of block length on solvent response of block copolymer brushes: Combinatorial study with block copolymer brush gradients, C Xu, T Wu, CM Drain, JD Batteas, MJ Fasolka and KL Beers, Macromolecules 39(9): 3359-3364 (2006)

Generating Thickness Gradients of Thin Polymer Films via Flow Coating, CM Stafford, KE Roskov, TH Epps III and MJ Fasolka, Review of Scientific Instruments 77: 023908 (2006)

High Throughput Measurement of Peel of a Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, P McGuiggan, A Chiche, F Phelan, MJ Fasolka, J Filliben and DJ Yarusso, Adhesives and Sealants Industry April: 32-39 (2006)

Surface-grafted block copolymer gradients: Effect of block length on solvent response, C Xu, T Wu, JD Batteas, CM Drain, KL Beers and MJ Fasolka, Applied Surface Science 252: 2529-2534 (2006)

Combinatorial materials synthesis and high-throughput characterization, I Takeuchi, J Lauterbach, and MJ Fasolka, Materials Today 8(10): 18-26 (2005) (Invited Review)

Gradient Chemical Micropatterns: A Reference substrate for surface nanometrology, D Julthongpiput, MJ Fasolka, W Zhang, T Nguyen and EJ Amis, Nanoletters 5(8): 1535-1540 (2005)

Combinatorial mapping of the phase behavior of ABC triblock terpolymers in thin films: Experiments, S Ludwigs, K Schmidt, CM Stafford, EJ Amis, MJ Fasolka, A Karim, R Magerle, G Krausch, Macromolecules 38(5): 1850-1858 (2005)

An informatics infrastructure for combinatorial and high-throughput materials research built on open source code, W Zhang, MJ Fasolka, A Karim and EJ Amis, Measurement Science and Technology 16(1): 261-269 (2005)

Monolayer formation of PBLG-PEO block copolymers at the air-water interface, Y Park, YW Choi, S Park, CS Cho, MJ Fasolka, D Sohn, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 283(2): 322-328 (2005)

Measurement of the local diattenuation and retardance of thin polymer films using near-field polarimetry, LS Goldner, MJ Fasolka, SN Goldie, Applications of Scanned Probe Microscopy to Polymers, ACS Symposium Series 897: 65-84 (2005)

Advanced techniques for nanocharacterization of polymeric coating surfaces, XH Gu, T Nguyen, LP Sung, MR VanLandingham, MJ Fasolka, JW Martin, YC Jean, D Nguyen, NK Chang, TY Wu, JCT RESEARCH 1(3): 191-200 (2004)

Near-field characterization of polymer crystallites, LS Goldner, SN Goldie, MJ Fasolka, F Renaldo, J Hwang, and JF Douglas, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 85(8): 1338-1340 (2004)

High-throughput craze studies in gradient thin films using ductile copper grids, AJ Crosby, MJ Fasolka, KL Beers, MACROMOLECULES 37(26): 9968-9974 (2004).

Gradient Reference Specimens for Advanced Scanned Probe Microscopy, D Julthongpiput, MJ Fasolka, EJ Amis, Microscopy Today 12(7): 48-51 (2004)

Techniques for Combinatorial and High-Throughput Microscopy, Part 2: Automated Optical Microscopy Platform for Thin Film Research, SW Kim, A Sehgal, A Karim, MJ Fasolka, Microscopy Today 11(6): 30-32 (2003)

Techniques for Combinatorial and High-Throughput Microscopy: Part 1: Gradient Specimen Fabrication for Polymer Thin Films Research, A Sehgal, A Karim, CF Stafford, MJ Fasolka, Microscopy Today September/October: 26 (2003)

Fourier Analysis Near-Field Polarimetry for Measurement of Local Optical Properties of Thin Films, LS Goldner, MJ Fasolka, S Nougier, HP Nguyen, GW Bryant, J Hwang, KD Weston, KL Beers, A Urbas, and EL Thomas, Applied Optics 42(19), 3864 (2003)

Measuring Local Optical Properties: Near-Field Polarimetry of Photonic Block Copolymer Morphology, MJ Fasolka, LS Goldner, J Hwang, AM Urbas, P DeRege, T Swager, EL Thomas, Physical Review Letters 90(1): 016107 (2003)

Block Copolymer Thin Films: Physics and Applications, MJ Fasolka, AM Mayes, Annual Reviews of Materials Research 31: 323 (2001) (Review Article)

Thermal Enhancement of Atomic Force Microscopy Phase Imaging Contrast in Diblock Copolymer Films, MJ Fasolka, S Magonov, AM Mayes, Ultramicroscopy 90(1): 21 (2001)

Double Textured Cylindrical Block Copolymer Domains via Directional Solidification on a Topographically Patterned Substrate, C Park, JY Cheng, MJ Fasolka, AM Mayes, CA Ross, EL Thomas, C DeRosa, Applied Physics Letters 79(6): 848 (2001)

Newton's Rings in Near-Field Optics, LS Goldner, J Hwang, GW Bryant, MJ Fasolka, PP Absil, JV Hryniewicz, FG Johnson, H Shen, P-T Ho, Applied Physics Letters 78(5): 583-585 (2001)

Morphology of Ultrathin Supported Diblock Copolymer Films: Theory and Experiment, MJ Fasolka, P Banerjee, AM Mayes, G Pickett, AC Balazs, Macromolecules 33: 5702 (2000)

Ultrathin films of Well Defined Smectic Diblock Copolymers, JS Wu, M J Fasolka, PT Hammond, Macromolecules 33: 1108 (2000)

Observed substrate topography-mediated lateral patterning of diblock copolymer films, MJ Fasolka, DJ Harris, AM Mayes, M Yoon, SGJ Mochrie, Physical Review Letters 79: 3018 (1997)

Tailoring the Structure of Polymer Brushes Through Copolymer Architecture, D Gersappe, M Fasolka, R Isreals, AC Balazs, Polymer/Inorganic Interfaces II (Vol. 385), L Drzal, R Oplia, N Peppas and C Schutte Eds., Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 201 (1995)

Using monte-carlo simulations and self-consistent-field theory to design interfacially active copolymers, A Balazs, D Gersappe, R Israels, M Fasolka, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 4: 585 (1995)

Modeling the behavior of random copolymer brushes, D Gersappe, M Fasolka, R Israels, AC Balazs, Macromolecules 28: 4753 (1995)

PH-Controlled gating in polymer brushes, R Israels, D Gersappe, M Fasolka, VA Roberts, AC Balazs, Macromolecules 27: 6679 (1994)

Aggregation in grafted polymers with attractive end groups, D Gersappe, M Fasolka, AC Balazs, SH Jacobson, Journal of Chemical Physics 100: 9170 (1994)

Folding kinetics of proteins and copolymers, R. Miller, C.A. Danko, MJ Fasolka, AC Balazs, HS Chan, KA Dill, Journal of Chemical Physics 96: 768 (1992)


Large Area Orientation of Block Copolymer Microdomains in Thin Films, U.S. Provisional Application # 60/293,746, E.L. Thomas, C. DeRosa, Cheolmin Park, M.J. Fasolka, B. Lotz, A.M. Mayes

NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division