NIST Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division Staff- Vivek Prabhu Polymer division banner Polymer division home page Research areas link Research projects link Research facilities link Staff contact link Search link NIST link Polymer division home page Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory

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Vivek M. Prabhu , Ph.D.



photograph of Vivek Prabhu

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Chemical Engineer

Electronics Materials
(301) 975-3657
(301) 975-3928

Research Interests

Charged polymer (polyelectrolytes) dynamics and kinetics of dissolution of thin films and resulting surface roughness.
  • Photoresist technology
  • Kinetics of polymer dissolution
  • Polyelectrolytes in solution and at interfaces
  • Reaction-diffusion processes
Postdoctoral Opportunity

Professional Background

  • 2001-2003, NRC Postdoc, Polymers Division
  • 2003-Present, Staff member, Polymers Division


8 Sept 2008 Note: links to a few papers have been fixed for access

Just appeared in JACS ASAP

See NIST Tech Beat Article - Bottoms Up: Better Organic Semiconductors for Printable Electronics

Polyelectrolytes, Counterion distribution and dynamics
  • Counterion structure and dynamics in polyelectrolyte solutions. Prabhu, V. M. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 10 (1-2), 2-8 (2005).pdf
  • Direct measurement of the counterion distribution within swollen polyelectrolyte films. Prabhu, V. M.; Vogt, B. D.; Wu, W. L.; Douglas, J. F.; Lin, E. K.; Satija, S. K.; Goldfarb, D. L.; Ito, H. Langmuir, 21 (15), 6647-6651(2005).).pdf
  • Counterion associative behavior with flexible polyelectrolytes, V. M. Prabhu, D. Bossev, N. Rosov, and E.J. Amis. Journal of Chemical Physics, 121 (9), 4424-4429(2004).pdf
  • Polyelectrolyte effects in model photoresist developer Solutions. V.M. Prabhu, R.L. Jones, E.K. Lin, W.-L. Wu. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 21, 1403-1410, (2003).pdf
  • Polyelectrolyte chain dimensions and concentration fluctuations near phase boundaries. V.M. Prabhu, M. Muthukumar, G.D. Wignall, Y.B. Melnichenko. Journal of Chemical Physics119,4085-4098 (2003).
  • Dimensions of polyelectrolyte chains and concentration fluctuations in semidilute solutions of sodium-poly(styrene sulfonate) as measured by small-angle neutron scattering. V.M. Prabhu, M. Muthukumar, G.D. Wignall, Y.B. Melnichenko. Polymer 42,8935-8946(2001).
Surface segregation, NEXAFS technique

See Brookhaven National Laboratory NSLS Technical Highlight

  • Quantitative depth profiling of photoacid generators in photoresist materials by near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. V. M. Prabhu, S. Sambasivan, D. Fischer,L. K. Sundberg, and R. D. Allen. Applied Surface Science. 253(2), 1010-1014 (2006).pdf
  • Near edge x-ray absorption fine structure measurements of surface segregation in 157 nm photoresist blends. Jablonski, E. L.; Prabhu, V. M.; Sambasivan, S.; Lin, E. K.; Fischer, D. A.; Goldfarb, D. L.; Angelopoulos, M.; Ito, H. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 21(6), 3162-3165(2003).pdf

Polymers for Next-Generation Photolithography, Electronic materials

    See NIST Tech Beat Article - New Paper Reveals Nanoscale Details of Photolithography Process

    Featured in the EE Times - NIST aims at 32 nm

    Featured by Dr. Francis Sedgemore's article in Nanomaterials News - Pushing Photolithography to the Limit

  • Lateral length scales of latent image roughness as determined by off-specular neutron reflectivity. K. A. Lavery, V.M.Prabhu, E.K. Lin, W.-l. Wu, S.K. Satija, K.-W. Choi, and M. Wormington. Applied Physics Letters, 92(1)064106(2008). pdf
  • Direct measurement of the spatial extent of the in situ developed latent image by neutron reflectivity. V.M.Prabhu, B.D. Vogt, S. Kang, A. Rao, E.K. Lin, S.K. Satija. J. of Vacuum Science and Tech. B 25(6)2514-2520(2007). pdf
  • Characterization of compositional heterogeneity in chemically amplified photoresist polymer thin films with infrared spectroscopy S. Kang, B.D. Vogt, W. Wu, V.M. Prabhu, D.L. VanderHart, A. Rao, E.K. Lin, and K. Turnquest. Macromolecules 40,1497-1503(2007). pdf
  • Influence of base additives on the reaction diffusion front of model chemically amplified photoresists, B.D. Vogt, S.Kang, V.M. Prabhu, A.Rao, E.K. Lin, W.-l. Wu, S. K. Satija, and K. Turnquest, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 25,175-182(2007). pdf
  • Exposure dose effects on the reaction-diffusion process in model EUV photoresists. K.Lavery, B.D. Vogt,V.M. Prabhu, K.-W. Choi, E.K. Lin, W.-l.Wu, S. Satija. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 24, 3044-3048 (2006).pdf
  • Measurements of the reaction-diffusion front of model chemically amplified photoresists with varying photoacid size. B.D. Vogt, S. Kang, V.M. Prabhu, E.K. Lin, S.K. Satija, K. Turnquest, and W. Wu. Macromolecules 39, 8311-8317(2006).pdf
  • Effect of Deprotection Extent on Swelling and Dissolution Regimes of Thin Polymer Films. A. Rao, S. Kang, B.D. Vogt, V.M. Prabhu, E.K. Lin, W. Wu, and M. Muthukumar. Langmuir 22, 10009-10015(2006).pdf
  • Copolymer fraction effect on acid catalyzed deprotection reaction kinetics in model 193 nm photoresists. S. Kang, V. M. Prabhu, B. D. Vogt, E. K. Lin, W.-L. Wu, K. Turnquest. Polymer, 47(18),6293-6302(2006).pdf
  • Control of moisture at buried polymer/alumina interfaces through substrate surface modification. Vogt, B. D.; Prabhu, V. M.; Soles, C. L.; Satija, S. K.; Lin, E. K.; Wu, W. L. Langmuir, 21 (6), 2460-2464 (2005).pdf
  • X-ray and neutron reflectivity measurements of moisture transport through model multilayered barrier films for flexible displays. Vogt, B. D.; Lee, H. J.; Prabhu, V. M.; DeLongchamp, D. M.; Lin, E. K.; Wu, W. L.; Satija, S. K. Journal of Applied Physics, 97(11) 114509 (2005). pdf
  • Water immersion of model photoresists: interfacial influences on water concentration and surface morphology. Vogt, B. D.; Soles, C. L.; Wang, C. Y.; Prabhu, V. M.; McGuiggan, P. M.; Douglas, J. F.; Lin, E. K.; Wu, W. L.; Satija, S. K.; Goldfarb, D. L.; Angelopoulos, M. Journal of Microlithography Microfabrication and Microsystems, 4 (1) (2005).pdf
  • Proton NMR determination of miscibility in a bulk model photoresist system: Poly(4-hydroxystyrene) and the photoacid generator, di(t-butylphenyl) iodonium perfluorooctane sulfonate. D.L. VanderHart, V.M. Prabhu, E. K. Lin, Chemistry of Materials, 16 (16), 3074-3084 (2004).pdf
  • Correlation of the reaction front with roughness in chemically amplified photoresists. R. L. Jones, V. M. Prabhu, D. L. Goldfarb, E. K. Lin, C. L. Soles, J. L. Lenhart, W.-L. Wu, and M. Angelopoulos. ACS Symposium Series, Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics, 874, 86-97 (2004).
  • Advanced Measurements for Photoresist Fundamentals. V.M. Prabhu, E. K. Lin, Semiconductor Fabtech International Quarterly, 24,99-103(2004)pdf
Polymer Processing
  • Dielectric properties of nylon 6/clay nanocomposites from on-line process monitoring and off-line measurements. N. Noda, Y.-H. Lee, A.J. Bur, V.M. Prabhu, C.R. Snyder, S.C. Roth, M. McBrearty. Polymer, 46 (18), 7201-7217(2005).pdf

Invited Presentations (2006-2008)

  • Identifying chemically amplified photoresist fundamentals with neutron reflectivity,Ski Hut Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, July 26-27, 2008.
  • Advances in neutron research methods for photoresist fundamentals, International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam technology & nanofabrication, Portland, OR, May 27, 2008.
  • Fundamentals of EUV photoresists, Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR, November 27, 2007.
  • Measurement Advances for Identifying Chemically Amplified Photoresistant Materials Limits, October 11, 2007, Seminar, Polymer Science Department, University of Akron, OH.
  • Measurement Advances for Identifying Chemically Amplified Photoresistant Materials Limits, October 4, 2007, Seminar, Materials Science Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.
  • Identifying the materials limits of chemically amplified photoresists, SPIE Microlithography Conference, Santa Clara, CA, February 28, 2007.
  • Advanced measurement methods for next generation photoresists, SEMATECH Scaling Summit, Austin, TX, November 9, 2006.
  • Polymers for photolithography: fundamentals probed by neutron scattering and reflectivity methods and open questions, October 10, 2006, Raman Research Institute, C. V. Raman Avenue, Sadashivanagar, Bangalore, India.

Project Collaborators

Polymers Division, NIST - Shuhui Kang, David VanderHart, Tom Chastek, Wen-li Wu, Chris Soles, Eric Lin, William Wallace, Charlie Guttman, Kathy Flynn

Ceramics Division, NIST - Daniel A. Fischer

Center for Neutron Research, NIST - Sushil K. Satija

Optical Technology Division, NIST - John Woodward, Jeeseong Hwang

SEMATECH - Karen Turnquest

Intel - Kwang-Woo Choi (Assignee to NIST), George Thompson

IBM T. J. Watson Research Center - Dario L. Goldfarb

IBM Almaden Research Center - Hiroshi Ito, Robert D. Allen, William D. Hinsberg

AZ Electronics - Ralph Dammel, Frank Houlihan

DuPont Electronic Polymers L.P. - Jim Sounik, Michael T. Sheehan

Cornell University - Christopher Ober, Anuja De Silva, Jing Sha

Rhodia - Ashwin Rao

SEMATECH - Agreement Completed 11/1/2006

Intel - CRADA

Postdoctoral Opportunity (2007)

Fundamentals of Charged Macromolecules at Interfaces

This research opportunity involves the diffusion and adsorption fundamentals of charged macromolecules (polyelectrolytes, DNA, colloids, gels) at the solid-liquid interface. Many technologies, both emerging and established, depend upon and focus on charged macromolecules including the dissolution of advanced photoresists, microfluidic channel technologies to manipulate biological macromolecules such as DNA, and the controlled degradation of tissue engineering scaffold or drug delivery materials. To optimize performance and to design new applications, an improved understanding of the structure and dynamics of these molecules is needed. Because of the electrostatic interactions and connectivity of polymers the dynamics and structure of these materials are affected by subtle changes in molecular weight, dielectric constant, charge valence, ionic strength, and charge density. The perturbation of the structure and dynamics at solid-liquid interfaces is poorly understood with respect to the influence of substrate insulating or conductive boundary conditions, surface chemical and topological patterning and charge density. Model interfaces including solid supports and colloidal particles will be pursued by applying neutron reflectivity, neutron spin-echo spectroscopy, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), total-internal reflectance (evanescent-wave)-FCS, FT-infrared spectroscopy, and quartz crystal microbalance.

SPIE Proceedings - Advanced in Resist Materials

  • The effect of EUV molecular glass architecture on the bulk dispersion of a photo-acid generator, D. L. VanderHart, A. De Silva, N. Felix, V. M. Prabhu and C. K. Ober, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6923, 69231M (2008).pdf

  • Characterization of the latent image to developed image in model EUV photoresists, J.T. Woodward, K.-W. Choi, V. M. Prabhu, S. Kang, K. A. Lavery, W.-l. Wu, M. Leeson, A. De Silva, N.M. Felix and C. K. Ober, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6923, 69232B (2008).pdf
  • A comparison of the reaction-diffusion kinetics between model-EUV polymer and molecular-glass photoresists, S. Kang, K. Lavery, K.-W. Choi, V. M. Prabhu, W.-l. Wu, E.K. Lin, A. De Silva, N. Felix and C. Ober, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6923, 692317 (2008).pdf

  • Identifying materials limits of chemically amplified photoresists, W.-l. Wu, V.M. Prabhu and E.K. Lin, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6519, 651902 (2007).pdf
  • Effect of photo-acid generator concentration and developer strength on the patterning capabilities of a model EUV photoresist, K.-W. Choi, V.M. Prabhu, K.A. Lavery, E.K. Lin, W.-l. Wu, J.T. Woodward, M.J. Leeson, H.B. Cao, M. Chandhok, and G. Thompson, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6519, 651943 (2007).pdf
  • Evaluation of the 3D compositional heterogeneity effect on line-edge-roughness, Kang, S.H.; Wu, W.-l.; Prabhu, V.M.; Vogt, B.D.; Lin, E.K.; Turnquest, K. Proc. SPIE, 6519, 2007,65193V. pdf
  • FTIR measurements of compositional heterogeneities, Kang, S.H.; Vogt, B.D.; Wu, W.-l.; Prabhu, V.M.; VanderHart, D.L.; Rao, A.; Lin, E.K.; Turnquest, K. Proc. SPIE, 6519, 2007, 651916. pdf
  • Direct measurement of the in-situ developed latent image: the residual swelling fraction,Prabhu, V.M.; Vogt, B.D.; Kang, S.H.; Rao, A.; Lin, E.K.; Satija, S.K.; Wu, W.-l. Proc. SPIE, 6519, 2007, 651900. pdf
  • Copolymer Fraction Effect On Acid Catalyzed Deprotection Reaction Kinetics In Model 193 Nm Photoresists, S. Kang, V.M. Prabhu, B.D. Vogt, E.K. Lin, W. Wu, and K. Turnquest in Proceedings of the SPIE Advances in Resist Materials and Processing XXIII, San Jose, CA(2006).pdf
  • Fundamentals Of The Reaction-Diffusion Process In Model EUV Photoresists, K.A. Lavery, K.-W. Choi, B.D. Vogt, V.M. Prabhu, E.K. Lin, W. Wu, S. Satija, M.J. Leeson, H.B. Cao, G. Thompson, H. Ding, and D.S. Fryer in Proceedings of the SPIE Advances in Resist Materials and Processing XXIII, San Jose, CA(2006). pdf
  • The Deprotection Reaction Front Profile For Model 193 nm Methacrylate-Based Chemically Amplified Photoresists, B.D. Vogt, S. Kang, V.M. Prabhu, A. Rao, E.K. Lin, S.K. Satija, K. Turnquest, and W. Wu in Proceedings of the SPIE Advances in Resist Materials and Processing XXIII, San Jose, CA(2006).pdf
  • Dissolution Fundamentals Of 193-Nm Methacrylate Based Photoresists, A. Rao, S. Kang, B.D. Vogt, V.M. Prabhu, E.K. Lin, W. Wu, K. Turnquest, and W.D. Hinsberg in Proceedings of the SPIE Advances in Resist Materials and Processing XXIII, San Jose, CA(2006).pdf
  • Interfacial structure of photoresist thin films in developer solutions, V.M. Prabhu, B.D. Vogt, W.-l. Wu, J.F. Douglas, E.K. Lin, S.K. Satija, D.L. Goldfarb, H. Ito, Proc. SPIE, 5753, 292-301(2005).pdf
  • Water distribution within immersed polymer films, B.D. Vogt, C.L. Soles, V.M. Prabhu, S.K. Satija, E.K. Lin, W.-l. Wu, Proc. SPIE, 5753, 31-39(2005).pdf
  • Resolution limitations in chemically amplified photoresist systems, Schmid, G. M.; Stewart, M. D.; Wang, C.-Y.; Vogt, B. D.; Prabhu, V. M.; Lin, E. K.; Willson, C. G. Proc. SPIE, 5376, 333-342 (2004).pdf
  • Fundamentals of Developer-Resist Interactions for Line-Edge Roughness and CD control in Model 248 nm and 157 nm Photoresists, Prabhu, V. M.; Wang, M. X.; Jablonski, E. L.; Vogt, B. D.; Lin, E. K.; Wu, W. L.; Goldfarb, D. L.; Angelopoulos, M.; Ito, H. Proc. SPIE, 5376, 443-451 (2004).pdf
  • Measurements of water distribution in thin lithographic films, Vogt, B. D.; Soles, C. L.; Prabhu, V. M.; Jones, R. L.; Wu, W. L.; Lin, E. K.; Goldfarb, D. L.; Angelopoulos, M. Proc. SPIE, 5376, 56-62 (2004).pdf
  • E.L. Jablonski, V.M. Prabhu, S. Sambasian, D.A. Fischer, E.K. Lin, D.L. Goldfarb, M. Angelopoulos, and H. Ito, Surface and Bulk Chemistry of Chemically Amplified Photoresists: Segregation in Thin Films and Environmental Stability Issues, Proc. SPIE, 5376, 302-311 (2004).pdf
  • Polyelectrolyte Effects in Model Photoresist Developer Solutions: Roles of Base Concentration and Added Salts, V. M. Prabhu, R. L. Jones, C. L. Soles, E. K. Lin, W. Wu, D. L. Goldfarb, and M. Angelopoulos. In Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5039, 404-414 (2003).pdf
  • Deprotection Volume Characteristics and Line Edge Morphology in Chemically Amplified Resists, R.L. Jones, T. Hu, V.M. Prabhu, C.L. Soles, E.K. Lin, W. Wu, D. L. Goldfarb, M. Angelopoulos, B. C. Trinque, and C. G. Willson. In Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5039, 1031 (2003).pdf
  • Polymer Dynamics and Diffusive Properties in Ultra-Thin Photoresist Films, C. L. Soles, R. L. Jones, J. L. Lenhart, V. M. Prabhu, W. Wu, E. K. Lin, D. L. Goldfarb, M. Angelopoulos. In Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5039, 366(2003).pdf
  • Updated 9/10/2008 vmp

    NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division