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Laurence C. Chow , Ph.D.



photograph of Laurence Chow

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Assistant Director and Chief Research Scientist

The Paffenbarger Research Center (ADAF)
(301) 975-6826
(301) 963-9143

Research Interests

  • calcium phosphate chemistry
  • calcium phosphate bone graft materials
  • dental caries mechanism
  • remineralization
  • anticaries effects of fluoride
  • Honors and Awards

  • Basic Research In Biological Mineralization Award, International Association for Dental Research, 1998

  • Professional Background

  • B.S., Chemical Engineering, 1964, Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
  • Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, 1970, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
  • Project Leader, American Dental Association Health Foundation (ADAHF)
  • Paffenbarger Research Center (PRC), 1969
  • Chief Research Scientist, ADAHF, PRC at NIST, 1975
  • Assistant Director, ADAHF, PRC at NIST, 1984 to present
  • Visiting Associate Professor, School of Dentistry, Taiwan University, 1077-1978
  • Affiliate Professor, School of Dentistry, University of Washington, 1994–2001
  • Chair, International Association for Dental Research Distinguished Scientist Awards, Basic Research In Biological Mineralization Award Subcommittee, 2002-2003
  • Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Calcium Phosphates, 1992
  • Co-Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Calcium Phosphates, 1989
  • President, American Dental Association for Dental Research, Washington, DC section, 1988
  • Member, Oral Biology and Medicine Study Section, National Institutes of Health, 1983-1985

  • Selected Publications

  • Vogel GL, Zhang Z, Carey CM, Ly A, Chow LC, Proskin HM (2000): Composition of Plaque and Saliva Following Use of an a-Tricalcium-phosphate-containing Chewing Gum and a Subsequent Sucrose Challenge. J Dent Res 79(1): 58-62.
  • Vogel GL, Mao Y, Chow LC, (2000): Fluoride in plaque fluid, plaque, and saliva measured for 2 hours after a sodium fluoride or monofluorophosphate rinse. CARIES RES 34: (5) 404-411.
  • Takagi S, Liao H, Chow LC (2000): Effect of tooth-bound fluoride on enamel demineralization/remineralization in vitro CARIES RES 34: (4) 281-288.
  • Chow LC, Takagi S, Carey CM, Sieck BA (2000): Remineralization effects of a two-solution fluoride mouthrinse: An in situ study. J DENT RES 79: (4) 991-995.
  • Matsuya S, Takagi S, Chow LC (2000): Effect of mixing ratio and pH on the reaction between Ca4(PO4)2O and CaHPO4. J MATER SCI-MATER M 11: (5) 305-311.
  • Vogel GL, Zhang Z, Chow LC, Schumacher GE, Banting DW (2000): Effect of in vitro acidification on plaque fluid composition with and with a NaF or a controlled-release fluoride rinse. J DENT RES 79: (4) 983-990.
  • Chow LC (2000): Calcium phosphate cements: chemistry, properties, and applications. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 599:27-37.
  • Chow LC, Hirayama S, Takagi S, Parry E (2000) Diametral tensile strength and compressive strength of a calcium phosphate cement: effect of applied pressure. J Biomed Maer Res (Appl Biomater) 53:511-517.
  • Friedman CD, Costantino PD, Snyderman CH, Chow LC, Takagi S (2000): Reconstruction of the frontal sinus and frontofacial skeleton with hydroxyapatite cement. Arch Facial Plast Surg 2:124-129.
  • Markovic M, Takagi S, Chow LC (2000): Formation of macropores in calcium phosphate cement through the use of mannitol crystals. Key Engineering Materials Vols. 192-195 (2001) pp. 773-776.
  • Chow LC (2001): Calcium-phosphat-zemente: Eigenchaften und verwendungen. Biomaterialien 2:11-18.
  • Takagi S, Chow LC, Markovic M, Friedman CF, Costantino PD (2001): Morphological and phase characterization of retrieved calcium phosphate cement iplants. J Biomed Mater Res (Appl Biomater) 58:36-41.
  • Takagi S, Chow LC (2001): Formation of macropores in calcium phosphate cement implants. J Mater Sci: Mater in Medicine 12:135-139.
  • Xu HHK, Quinn JB, Takagi S, Chow LC, Eichmiller FC (2001): Strong and macroporous calcium phosphate cement: Effects of porosity and fiber reinforcement on mechanical properties. J Biomed Materials Res 57:457-466.
  • Chow LC, Vogel GL (2001): Enhancing remineralization. Operative Dent 6 (suppl):27-38
  • Takagi S, Liao H, Chow LC (2001): Effect of a low-fluoride-content. two-component rinse on fluoride uptake and on de- and remineralization of enamel lesions: An in vitro study. Caries Res 35:223-228.
  • Vogel GL, Zhang Z, Chow LC, Schumacher GE (2001): Effect of a water rinse on 'labile' fluoride and ether ions in plaque and saliva before and after conventional and experimental fluoride rinses. Caries Res 35: 116-124.
  • Cherng AM, Chow LC, Takagi S (2001): In vitro evaluation of a calcium phosphate cement root canal filler/sealer. J Endodontics 27: 613-615.
  • Chow LC (2001): Solubility of calcium phosphates. In: Monographs in Oral Science – Vol. 18: Octacalcium Phosphate. Chow LC, Eanes ED, editors. Basel: Karger, pp. 94-111.
  • Chow LC (2001): Calcium phosphate cements. In: Monographs in Oral Science – Vol. 18: Octacalcium Phosphate. Chow LC, Eanes ED, editors. Basel: Karger, pp. 148-163.
  • Chow LC, Takagi S (2001): A natural bone cement—A laboratory novelty led to the development of revolutionary new biomaterials. J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol 106:1029–1033.
  • Xu HHK, Quinn JB, Takagi S, Chow LC (2002): Processing and properties of strong and non-rigid calcium phosphate cement. J Dent Res 81:219-224.
  • Sugawara A, Fujikawa K, Kusama K, Nishiyama M, Murai S, Takagi S, Chow LC (2002) : Histopathologic reaction of a calcium phosphate cement for aveolar ridge augmentation. J Biomed Mater Res 61 :47-52
  • Vogel GL, Zhang Z, Chow LC, Schumacher GE (2002) : Changes in lactate and other ions in plaque and saliva after a fluoride rinse and subsequent sucrose administration. Caries Res 36 :44-52.
  • Chow LC, Takagi S, Frukhtbeyn S, Sieck S, Parry EE, Liao NS, Schumacher GE, Markovic M (2002) : Remineralization Effect of a Low-Concentration Fluoride Rinse in an Intraoral Model. Caries Res 36 :136-141.

    NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division