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Frederick C. Eichmiller , DDS



photograph of Frederick Eichmiller

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The Paffenbarger Research Center (ADAF)
(301) 975-6813
(301) 963-9143

Research Interests

  • Dental materials
    • Composites
    • Metals
    • Ceramics
    • Material property determination
  • Dental standards and reference materials
  • Clinical research of dental materials
  • Research inst

    Professional Background

  • U. of Minnesota, School of Dentistry, B.S. Dental Sci. - 1981
  • U. of Minnesota, School of Dentistry, D.D.S. Dentistry – 1981
  • U. of Minnesota, Instutute of Technology, B.S.M.E. Tech. Engrg. - 1977
  • 1981-1986 Private practice, Olivia, MN
  • 1982-1986 Clinical Operative Instructor, University of Minnesota School of Dentistry
  • 1986-1994 Chief Research Scientist, Clinical Program, American Dental Association Foundation Paffenbarger Research Center, NIST
  • 1994- present Director, American Dental Association Foundation Paffenbarger Research Center, NIST

  • Honors and Awards

  • 2000 – Hollenback Award for dental research from the Academy of Operative Dentistry
  • 1999 – Dental Visionaries recognition from the American Dental Student Association
  • 1996 - Presidential Citation from the American Dental Association
  • 1994 - Clinician of The Year Award from the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators
  • 1990 - Civism Award from the National Naval Dental School

  • Patents

  • EICHMILLER, F.C. (1993): U.S. 5,190,990, Device and Method for Shielding Tissue During Radiation Therapy,.
  • EICHMILLER, F.C. (1994): U.S. 5,360,666, Device and Method for Shielding Healthy Tissue During Radiation Therapy,.
  • EICHMILLER, F.C. (1996): U.S. 5,525,647, Method and device for controllably affecting the reaction of dental adhesives.
  • LASHMORE, D.S.; DARIEL, M.P.; JOHNSON, C.E.; RATZKER, M.B.; GIUSEPPETTI, A.A.; EICHMILLER, F.C.; BEANE, G.L.; AND KELLEY, D.R. (1998) U.S. 5,711,866; Acid-Assisted Cold Welding and Intermetallic Formation and Dental Applications Thereof.
  • LASHMORE, D.S.; DARIEL, M.P. JOHNSON, C.E.; RATZKER, M.B.; GUISEPPETTI, A.A.; EICHMILLER, F.C.; BEANE, G.L.; & KELLEY, D.R. (1999) U.S. 6,001,289: Acid assisted cold welding and intermetallic formation.
  • XU, H.K.; and EICHMILLER, F.C.(1999): U.S. 5,861,445: Reinforcement of dental and other composite materials.
  • XU H.K., EICHMILLER, F.C. and SCHUMACHER, G.E. (2002): U.S. 6,334,775 B2 Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Dental Restorations.
  • LASHMORE, D.S.; DARIEL, M.P.; JOHNSON, C.E.; RATZKER, M.B.; GIUSEPPETTI, A.A.; EICHMILLER, F.C.; BEANE, G.L.; AND KELLEY, D.R. (2002) U.S. Patent No. 6,357,894; Acid-Assisted Cold Welding and Intermetallic Formation and Dental Applications Thereof, Issued April 23, 2002.
  • ANTONUCCI, J. M.; EICHMILLER, F. C.; SCHUMACHER, G.E. (2002): U.S. 6,458,869: Etchant/primer composition, etchant/primer/adhesive monomer composition, kits and methods using the same for improved bonding to dental structures.

  • Selected Publications

  • JANE C. ATKINSON, FRANCIS DIAMOND, FREDERICK EICHMILLER,ROBERT SELWITZ & GORDON JONES (2000) Stability of bisphenol A, triethylene-glycol dimethacrylate, and bisphenol A dimethacrylate in whole saliva, Dental Materials 18:128-135(2002).
  • XU H.K., QUINN J.B., SMITH T.S., ANTONUCCI J.M., SHUMACHER G.E. AND EICHMILLER, F.C. Dental resin composites containing silica-fused whiskers – effects of whisker-to-silica ratio on fracture toughness and indentation properties. Biomaterials 23:735-742 (2002).
  • PRADHAN, RD; MELIKECHI, N; EICHMILLER, F (2002) The effect of irradiation wavelength bandwidth and spot size on the scraping depth and temperature rise in composite exposed to an argon laser or a conventional quartz-tunsten-halogen source. Dent Mater 18(3)221-226.
  • ROMANYUKHA A.A., SELTZER S., DESROSIERS M., IGNATIEV E.A., IVANOV D.V., BAYANKIN S., DEGTEVA M.O., EICHMILLER F.C., WIESER A. AND JACOB P. Correction factors in EPR dose reconstruction for the residents of the Middle and Lower Techa riverside. Health Physics, 81, 554-566 (2001).
  • EICHMILLER FC (2001) Research into metallic alternatives to amalgam Operative Dentistry Supplement 6:111-118.
  • XU, H.K.; EICHMILLER, F.C.; ANTONNUCCI, J.M.; SCHUMACHER, G.E.; IVES, L.K. (2000): Dental resin composites containing ceramic whisker fillers and pre-cured glass ionomer particles, Dent Mat 16:356-363.
  • EICHMILLER, F.C.; GIUSEPPETTI, A.A.; HOFFMAN K.M.; BRAJDIC D.R.;MIKSCH V.; and DELOREY-LYTLE, J.A. (1999) Microleakage of a consolidated silver direct filling material, Oper Dent 24:162-171.
  • EICHMILLER, F.C.; HOFFMAN, K.M.; GIUSEPPETTI, A.A.; WRAY, M.M.; and AVERS, R.J. (1998): Acid-assisted Consolidation of Silver Alloys, Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology 103(5)511-516.
  • EICHMILLER, F.C. and MARJENHOFF, W.A. (1997): Fluoride-releasing Restorative Materials, Oper Dent 23(5)218-228.
  • EICHMILLER, F.C. (1997): Promising New Dental Materials on the Horizon, Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry, 18:254-269.
  • EICHMILLER, F.C. and MARJENHOFF, W.A. (1996): Posterior Restorative Materials Research, J Calif Dent Assoc 74:73-6.

NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division