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Frederick R. Phelan Jr. , Ph.D.



photograph of Frederick Phelan Jr.

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Chemical Engineer

Processing Characterization
(301) 975-6761
(301) 975-4924

Research Interests

My work at NIST has been broadly associated with aspects of flow modeling at a variety of different length scales in order to design experiments and understand scientific phenomena. Recent work has focused on emerging applications in microfluidics and nanotechnology such as chaotic mixing in microfluidic geometries and nanotube separation in field-flow fractionation.


Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1989)

B.S. in Chemical Engineering (State University of New York at Buffalo, 1983)

Recent and Selected Publications

F.R. Phelan Jr., N.R. Hughes, and J.A. Pathak, "Chaotic Mixing in Microfluidic Devices Driven by Oscillatory Cross Flow", Physics of Fluids, 20 (2), 023101, (2008).

F.R. Phelan Jr., P. Kutty, and J. A. Pathak, "An electrokinetic mixer driven by oscillatory cross flow", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, accepted, to appear, (2008).

Jack F. Douglas, Kirill Efimenko, Daniel A. Fischer, Fredrick R. Phelan, and Jan Genzer, "Propagating waves of self-assembly in organosilane monolayers", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 104 (25), pp. 10324-10329, (June 19, 2007).

F.R. Phelan Jr. and Barry J. Bauer, "Simulation of nanotube separation in field-flow fractionation (FFF)", Chemical Engineering Science, 62, pp. 4620-4635, (2007).

F.R. Phelan Jr., "Simulation of the injection process in resin transfer molding", Polymer Composites, 18(4), pp. 460-476, (August 1997).

M.A.A. Spaid and F.R. Phelan Jr., "Lattice Boltzmann methods for modeling microscale flow in heterogeneous porous media", Physics of Fluids, 9(9), pp. 2468-2474, (1997).

R.S. Parnas and F.R. Phelan Jr., "The Effect of Heterogenous Porous Media on Mold Filling in Resin Transfer Molding," SAMPE Quarterly, 22(2), pp. 53-60, (1991).

Awards and Honors

Department of Commerce Bronze Medal (1994) granted by the NIST Director for a significant contribution to NIST mission (development of flow modeling software for polymer composites)

Invited lecture "Micro-Scale Flow Modeling Issues in Composites Processing" at Gordon Research Conference on Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) in Polymer Processing (1997)

A paragraph reference to M. Spaid and F. Phelan,Lattice Boltzmann methods for modeling flow in fibrous porous media, by S. Chen and G. Doolen in Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics.

Best paper award at Sixth International Conference on Automated Composites (ICAC99)

Best paper award in Manufacturing Track at 1995 ACCE Meeting

NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division