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John A. Tesk , Ph.D.



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Guest Researcher

Characterization and Measurement
(301) 975-6799
(301) 975-9143

Research Interests

Biomaterials & Polymers: industrial relations, Weibull & reliability analysis, wear testing, orthopaedic materials; reference polymer biomaterials, reference polymer data, biomedical polymer standards, polymer standards/reference materials/reference data.

Awards & Recognition

* Best Scientific Paper for 1997, appearing in the journals of the Japanese Society for Dental Materials * Honorary Member, Japanese Society for Dental Materials, 1998, (third foreign member in history of the Society) * Outstanding and Dedicated Service in National and International Dental Standards,1981 - 1986, as Chairman, American National Standards Committee MD 156 and the US TAG for ISO TC 106 * Bronze Medal, NIST, 1987, for Management of a Complex Program of Research in Dental and Medical Materials * Grainger Award, for Outstanding Teaching, 1965 The University of Illinois, Chicago * Who’s Who in America; * Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare * Who's Who in Science and Engineering * American Men and Women of Science * Moses Award, ASTM Committee F04, Standards for Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices

Professional Background

Assistant Professor, U ILL & Consultant, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), 1964; Assistant Metallurgist, ANL, 1967; Manager, (1969) & Director, Research & Development, Dental Division, Howmedica Inc., 1970; Director, Education Services, Institute of Gas Technology, 1977; General Physical Scientist, National Bureau of Standards (1978), Leader of Dental & Medical materials Group (1983-1994), Coordinator, Biomaterials Program, Polymers Division, National Institute of Standards & Technology, 1994, and manager, NIST Orthopaedic CRADA Research Consortium, 1996-2000. Review/advisory boards four universities (biomaterials, dentistry, orthopaedics) including only foreign member of first Japanese review board for a dental school; editorial boards for 3 journals on dentistry & biomaterials plus Biomaterials Forum, & member of NIST editorial review board; officer/committee member of numerous scientific organizations. Member: American Physical Society, International Association for Dental Research (past), Academy of Dental Materials (Fellow), American Society for Metals, Technical Materials Society, Society for Biomaterials, Japanese Society for Dental Materials, American Society for Testing & Materials, Sigma Xi. NIST representative on NIH Biomaterials Implant Science Coordinating Committee , and liaison, FDA/NIH/NIST.

Selected Publications

Author/coauthor of ca 100 publications, chapters for 5 books & 4 encyclopedias, and 7 patents: 1) J.A. Tesk and L.R. Karam, L.R., "NIST and Standards for Tissue Engineered Medical Products," Tissue Engineered Medical Products, ASTM Special Technical Publication 1452, G.L.Picciolo and E.Schutte, Eds., ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2003 (invited). 2) J.A. Tesk, J.M. Antonucci, C.M.Carey, F.C.Eichmiller, J. R.Kelly, N.W.Rupp, R.W. Waterstrat, A.C. Fraker, L.C.Chow, L.A.George, G.E. Schumacher, J.W. Stansbury, E. E.Parry, Dental Materials, Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 2002 (Invited). 3) "High-Temperature Investments", O. Okuno, K. Asaoka, and J.A.Tesk, Chapter 19, in: Dental Materials and Their Selection, 3rd ed., W.J. O'Brien Editor, Quintessence Pub. Co., 2002 (invited). 4) J.A.Tesk and Dale Hall, "Workshop on Standards for Biomedical Materials and Devices", NISTIR 6791, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, Sept 01, 2001. 5) J.A. Tesk, "Special Report: NIST Workshop on Reference Data for the Properties of Biomaterials", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Volume: 58, Issue: 5, 2001. 6)Tesk, J.A., Johnson, C.E., Skrtic, D., Tung, M., and Hsu, S., "Amorphous Alloys Containing Cobalt for Orthopaedic Applications", Cobalt-Base Alloys for Biomedical Applications, ASTM Special Technical Publication 1365, J.A. Disegi, R.L. Kennedy, R.Pilliar, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshoken, PA, 1999. 7) J.A. Tesk, Jeffrey W. Stansbury, and Alan Litsky Cyclopolymerizable Monomers as Acrylic Biomaterials, Transactions of the Society for Biomaterials, Vol 21, Abstr, 373, San Diego, Apr. 22-26,1998. 7) G.L. Picciolo, K.B. Hellman, J.A. Tesk, R.Valentini, A. Coury and P.C. Johnson, Living Standards, Biomaterials FORUM, Vol 20, #2, March-April, 1998. 9) J.A. Tesk and Christian E. Johnson, Glassy Alloys as Potential Coatings for Orthopaedic Applications, ASTM Special Symposium Publication "Alternative Bearings for Orthopaedic Joints". 10) J.A. Tesk, S Hsu, and M. Shen, Quarterly Reports (confidential) to Orthopaedic CRADA Research Consortium, September, December, March, June, FY 1998. 11) "Simulation of Transient Thermal Stress in Gypsum-bonded Investment", Kenzo Asaoka and John A. Tesk, in Dental Materials, December Issue,1996. (Japanese J., in English, Best Paper Award for 1996). 12) "Reference Materials in Standards for Tissue-Engineered Products", J.A.Tesk and E.P. Mueller, Proceedings of ASTM Workshop on Tissue Engineering: The Role of ASTM (invited). 13) "Review of Dental School Departmental Programs" J.A. Tesk, Report of Expert Advisory Panel on 20 Years of Dental Research at Tokushima University, Tokushima, Japan, March, 1997 (invited).

NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division