Police and Secret Service Shut Down Obama / Clinton Assassination Art Exhibit

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Plane Crashes: loss of life, debilitating injuries, loss of income, traumatic stress.
Hedge Funds: companies involved in mortgage fraud.
Salmonella Found in Tomotoes: 57 Reported Cases in New Mexico and Texas
Ortho Evra Contraceptive Patch: causing fatal blood clots, heart attack, and stroke.
Zurn Pex Inc.: faulty and defective plumbing led to property damage.
California Labor Laws: violations of California labor laws such as overtime pay, discrimination and harassment.
Digitek Recalled: the heart drug contains double the medication that it should
Auction Rate Securities: ARS stocks purchased from a brokerage
Heparin Injections: syringes were contaminated with bacteria.
Sprint Nextel, T-Mobile, Verizon and Alltel: charging customers for unauthorized mobile content
Thimerosal Vaccine and Autism: Hepatis B and HIB vaccines cause Autism in children.
Paxil Heart Defects: Paxil causes heart defects in newborns.
Mutual Funds: financial companies breached ERISA act with employee 401k plan holders.
Icy Hot Heat Therapy: heat therapy products can cause burn injuries.
Botox: can lead to paralysis and death.
Ezetrol, Canada: can cause heart attack or stroke in patients using it.
Vytorin Marketing: false claims in marketing campaign.
Chantix Suicide: the smoking cessation product is linked to increased suicidal behaviors.
Trasylol: causing kidney and heart failure.
Duragesic Pain Patch: harm from defective pain patches.
Are schools legally allowed to take away student's phones or other property?
How can I get my parents away from my bulling brother?
What is the definition of corporate identity?
How do you prevent identity fraud?
What is identity theft?
What constitutes child pornography in Pennsylvania?
Wrongfuly terminated at work
Can a police officer come on private property and search a car and tow it away?
Is there a statue of limitations for a2 drug felonies if you have already been charge
My son is 16 and is charged with burglary of an occupied dwelling unarmed, if convicted what would the sentence be?
Blog Posts
DUI- Florida - Intoxilyzer 8000 (tm) Breath Test Machine
Imputing Income in a Divorce Case: A Quick Primer
Business Week Publishes Investigative Report on the National Arbitration Forum
IRS property seizures and auctions for June and July, 2008
Owner of this Blog quoted in Lawyers USA article on Elder Mediation
(A) Walk and chew gum? (B) Whistle and eat crackers? (C) Promote a Medicare payment fix and diss the folks across the aisle?
Respected Judge Posts Sex Images Online
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Claims-Made Settlements In Consumer Class Actions
The X Factor: Child Porn Laws Ensnare Vengeful Teen

Help In Massachusetts Anyone?
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DRM Not Dying, Just Resting
NEW RESOURCES: In Missouri, Death Sentence May Depend on Geography
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Public Choice and the Law Textbook
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Vytorin Lawsuits Heparin Recall


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