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Remarks at Turkish Education Volunteers Foundation (TEVF)

Karen Hughes, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs
Istanbul, Turkey
September 28, 2005

(2:30 p.m. local time)

TEVF DIRECTOR DUYGU ERTEN: Karen Hughes, Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. We are very happy to have her here for her very short visit. Her coming to our park has made us very happy. She has also come with lots of books, so everybody is happy. Our kids did some painting for her after visiting Hagia Sophia, and they would like to give that gift to you. Thanks for your books.

UNDER SECRETARY HUGHES: You all painted this?

DIRECTOR DUYGU ERTEN: Yes, they painted three of them. Actually their names are Ridvan, Erdem and Guliz. Three of them painted after visiting Hagia Sophia. They are not here but they are part of our team here.

UNDER SECRETARY HUGHES: How nice, thank you so much. Thank you.

UNDER SECRETARY HUGHES: Merhaba, merhaba. I am so glad to be here and to visit with all of you today. Especially with all you boys and girls.

When I first planned my first trip, and this is one of my stops on my first trip, I told the people who worked with me that I wanted to come and see children, young boys and young girls, because you are what this is all about. You are our future both here and in my home country in America.

I’m just so delighted to be here at the Turkish Educational Volunteers Foundation Park -- a place where you children can both play and learn wonderful skills like the beautiful painting that you made me. Where you also have an opportunity to learn English at English classes and to learn computer skills.

One of the most wonderful things here is the volunteer spirit. The spirit of volunteers is very important in America, my home country, as well. I’m so delighted to see that volunteerism is alive and well and flourishing here in Turkey.

And I’m so pleased to see Mrs. Kagan here today, because she was able to witness American volunteerism in action as she participated in one of our International Visitors exchange programs four years ago. I want to invite every one of you boys and girls -- when you get a little older, we would love to have you come and visit America and study in America and participate in an exchange program. We would love some of our American young people to be able to come and visit you here as well.

And now I am pleased to present to you -- as a way of showing America’s support, the people of America’s support, for this wonderful park and for all you children and all you volunteers -- these books, which are part of our Books for Youth Program. They are in English, and I hope that you will be able to use them to help learn and practice the English that you learn here in this wonderful program. I look forward to shaking each of your hands and having you give me a hug and your showing me all the fun things you get to do here at the park. Thank you.


Released on September 28, 2005

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