eJournal USA: Economic Perspectives

Roles and Responsibilities

Key U.S. government players in the fight against terrorist finance

The Global War on Terrorist Finance


Central Intelligence Agency

Leads gathering, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence on foreign terrorist organizations and their financing mechanisms; charged with promoting coordination and information sharing between all intelligence community agencies.


Homeland Security

Bureau of Customs and Border Protection

Detects movement of bulk cash across U.S. borders and maintains data about movement of commodities into and out of the United States.

Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE - formerly part of the Treasury's U.S. Customs Service)

Participates in investigations of terrorist financing cases involving U.S. border activities and the movement of trade, currency, or commodities.

U.S. Secret Service

Participates in investigations of terrorist financing cases, including those involving counterfeiting.



Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)

Participates in investigations of terrorist financing cases involving alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives.

Civil Division

Defends challenges to terrorist designations.

Criminal Division

Develops, coordinates, and prosecutes terrorist financing cases; participates in financial analysis and develops relevant financial tools; promotes international efforts and delivers training to other nations.

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

Participates in investigations of terrorist financing cases involving narcotics and other illicit drugs.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Leads all terrorist financing investigations and operations; primary responsibility for collecting foreign intelligence and counterintelligence information within the United States.


National Security Council

Manages the overall interagency framework for combating terrorism.



Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs

Chairs coalition subgroup of a National Security Council Policy Coordinating Committee, which leads U.S government efforts to develop strategies and activities to obtain international cooperation.

Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs

Implements U.S. technical assistance and training to foreign governments on terrorist financing.

Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism

Coordinates U.S. counterterrorism policy and efforts with foreign governments to deter terrorist financing.



Executive Office for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crime

Develops U.S. strategies and policies to deter terrorist financing, domestically and internationally; develops and implements the National Money Laundering Strategy as well as other policies and programs to prevent financial crimes.

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)

Supports law enforcement investigations to prevent and detect money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crime through use of analytical tools and information-sharing mechanisms; administers the Bank Secrecy Act.

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Criminal Investigation

Participates in investigations of terrorist financing cases with an emphasis on charitable organizations.

IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities

Administers the eligibility requirements and other IRS tax law that apply to charitable and other organizations that claim exemption from federal income tax.

Office of Foreign Assets Control

Develops and implements U.S. strategies and policies to deter terrorist financing; imposes controls on transactions; and freezes foreign assets under U.S. jurisdiction.

Office of the General Counsel

Chairs Policy Coordination Committee for Terrorist Financing, which coordinates U.S. government efforts to identify and deter terrorist financing; coordinates U.S. government actions regarding implementation of, and imposition of, economic sanctions under Executive Order 13224 with respect to the freezing of terrorist-related assets.

Office of International Affairs

Provides advice, training, and technical assistance to nations on issues including terrorist financing deterrence.

Source: Reprinted from Government Accountability Office report "Terrorist Financing" (http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d04163.pdf)

The Global War on Terrorist Finance