US Climate Change Science Program
Updated 11 October, 2003

US Climate Change
Science Program:
Planning Workshop for
Scientists and Stakeholders
3-5 December 2002, Washington, DC



See also

Structure of the Workshop

The Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) workshop, held December 3-5, 2002 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C., is structured around a combination of plenary sessions and breakout groups.

Keynote Plenary Addresses:

Invited keynote addresses by national and international government and science leaders will be presented in plenary sessions each day during the workshop.

Breakout Groups:

There are four Breakout Groups during the three days of the workshop. Breakout Groups 1-3 will focus on specific elements of the Strategic Plan, and Breakout Group 4 will focus on crosscutting issues across the plan. Within each Breakout Group there are six concurrent sessions, each focusing on different topics of the Strategic Plan. One breakout session, Climate Variability and Change, is duplicated due to interest by a large number of participants.

Most of the Breakout Sessions will be conducted with the format outlined below. Some of the breakout sessions will have a slightly modified format, to accommodate their specific design. The basic format will include:

  • Call to order and opening comments by the moderator;
  • Overview presentation of the topic (usually by a principal author of the chapter) based on the relevant chapter in the draft Strategic Plan;
  • Comments by volunteer and invited panelists chosen to represent a wide diversity of views from the scientific, technological, environmental, and stakeholder communities. These named panelists will comment, question, challenge, and/or provide suggestions for alternate approaches to developing the information and analyses desired by the various communities;
  • Open comments and questions from the floor directed to a panel composed of the original presenter and the named panelists;
  • Two rapporteurs will document the comments and questions in each session.
  • Review Plenary Sessions:

    The moderator and rapporteurs will prepare a brief summary of the key issues discussed during each breakout session, and the moderator will present this summary of key issues in a subsequent plenary session. The moderator and rapporteurs will also be responsible for preparation of a more complete written record of each breakout group, for posting on this web site.

    Closing Plenary Session:

    The workshop will conclude with an invited panel presentation of feedback and lessons learned during the workshop, a summary of key workshop findings (including areas of agreement and disagreement), and a description of the process for integrating workshop feedback into the revised research plan, and for subsequent reporting of findings.

    US Climate Change Science Program, Suite 250, 1717 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20006. Tel: +1 202 223 6262. Fax: +1 202 223 3065. Email: . Web: Webmaster:
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