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"The great hope of the country lies in the hearts and souls of our people."

- President George W. Bush

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The Business Case

The concept and practice of corporate social responsibility – the belief that companies have an obligation to help actively maintain the health and well-being of the communities in which they do business – has existed in the United States since the early 1950s. However, over the past two decades, a growing number of business leaders have come to view corporate social responsibility as not only "the right thing to do" – a way to give back to the communities where they have significant business interests – but as a key business imperative which, if done strategically, will generate a "win-win-win" situation for any company, its employees and the community.

Benefits to the Community

  • Creates healthier communities by improving the overall quality of life
  • Helps address/solve vital social problems
  • Generates a renewed spirit of citizenship and civic pride
  • Provides new talent and ideas to meet community needs
  • Contributions increase the level and quality of community services
  • Opens lines of communication among various segments of the community
  • Strengthens the local economy

Benefits to the Employees

  • Strengthens employees' organizational, leadership, communications, financial management and decision-making skills
  • Encourages teamwork
  • Enables employees to develop new skills
  • Creates a better quality of life where employees live and work
  • Reduces stress and increases morale
  • Expands networking within the company
  • Increases employee awareness and interest in community issues
  • Generates an increased sense of patriotism, citizenship and civic pride

Benefits to the Company

  • Bolsters image as a "Good Corporate Citizen" and builds goodwill towards the company
  • Increases employee morale, loyalty and productivity
  • Creates teambuilding opportunities
  • Improves communications and relations between management and workforce
  • Generates recognition as a good place to work / "Employer of Choice"
  • Enhances/increases employee recruitment and retention
  • Creates ways to implement/address strategic business goals and objectives
  • Positively impacts profitability