Publication Citation

USGS Series Circular
Report Number 1193
Title Implications for earthquake risk reduction in the United States from the Kocaeli, Turkey, earthquake of August 17, 1999
Edition -
Language ENGLISH
Author(s) Geological Survey (U.S.)
Year 2000
Originating office
USGS Library Call Number (200) Ci no.1193 INTERNET
Physical description 64 p. :ill., maps ;28 cm.

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This report documents implications for earthquake risk reduction in the U.S. The magnitude 7.4 earthquake caused 17,127 deaths, 43,953 injuries, and displaced more than 250,000 people from their homes. The report warns that similar disasters are possible in the United States where earthquakes of comparable size strike the heart of American urban areas. Another concern described in the report is the delayed emergency response that was caused by the inadequate seismic monitoring system in Turkey, a problem that contrasts sharply with rapid assessment and response to the September Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan. Additionally, the experience in Turkey suggests that techniques for forecasting earthquakes may be improving.