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GC Paul Tibbit knows the formula

The formula for a successful general committee is simple, although not so easy to implement. The formula consists of just three words: "Serve the membership."

General Chairperson Paul Tibbit (GO 393) is among those who have read, marked and inwardly digested the formula -- and successfully put it into practice. Tibbit also is alternate International vice president- West.

Following the devastating Gulf Coast hurricanes Gustav -- and just before Ike -- Tibbit approached BNSF man...

Futhey to Obama: It's all about dignity

Dear Sen. Obama:

The 125,000 active and retired members of the United Transportation Union are looking to you and your administration to restore what is slowly and relentlessly being taken from them with the help of an anti-labor bias in Washington -- their dignity.

UTU members operate the trains and drive and repair the buses that keep our factories and markets supplied and move Americans between home and work and from city to city.

Sadly, over the past eight years, a...

09/22/08 Practical use proves rail controls work
09/22/08 N.Y. governor to probe LIRR disability payments
09/22/08 Editorial: Time to address rail-worker fatigue
09/22/08 Cab signaling said to help avoid error
09/22/08 Veolia failed to give work breaks, lawsuit claims
09/22/08 Talk of rail's future follows deadly crash
09/22/08 Tri-Rail moves along, but still on a rocky road

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