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The L Funds provide you with a convenient way to diversify your account among the G, F, C, S, and I Funds, using professionally determined investment mixes that are tailored to different time horizons. Your “time horizon” is the date (after you leave Federal service) that you think you will need the money in your TSP account. Because it is important for each L Fund to maintain its target investment mix, the TSP will automatically rebalance each L Fund daily. Then, each quarter, the investments in each L Fund will shift to a slightly more conservative mix. In addition, experts will review the investment mixes periodically to be sure they are still appropriate.

For participants who will begin to withdraw their money after 2035

For participants who will withdraw their money beginning 2025 through 2034

For participants who will withdraw their money beginning 2015 through 2024

For participants who will withdraw their money beginning 2008 through 2014.

For participants who will begin to withdraw money sooner than 2008

L 2040

L 2030

L 2020

L 2010

L Income

Click on each L Fund’s pie chart above to see the potential investors, objectives, and asset allocations associated with that Fund. To see more detailed information on all of the L Funds, click on the box labeled “L Funds Information Sheet.”

TSP Highlights General information on the L Funds
L Funds Information Sheet

Technical information about the L Funds

Questions & Answers About the L Funds

Frequently asked questions about the L Funds

Related Materials

Additional information about the L Funds, including how to start investing in an L Fund.