Museum of Flight's Parachutes Work Family Workshop
Date of the Event
June 16, 2001
Time of Event
11:30am;1:00& 2:30pm
Type of Event
Educational Activity
Expected Total Attendance
Brief Description
Saturdays and Sundays, June 16, 23, 24, and 30, 2001
11:30 am, 1:00 pm, and 2:30 pm For emergency
escapes, lifesaving rescue missions, and thrilling
aerial sports, nothing beats a draggy parachute.
Come find out what drag is, how parachutes use it,
and what that means to us. Draw your own conclusions
as you make and test your own parachute toy.
Children under the age of six must be accompanied by
an adult. Groups with 10 or more children should
contact Seth Margolis, Community Education
Coordinator, at 206-768-7126