Treasury Broadens Savings Opportunities for More Investors

New $100 Minimums for Treasury Marketable Securities to Debut in April


March 21, 2008

The Treasury Department announced today that it would expand savings opportunities for investors. Beginning with the 13- and 26-week bill auctions of Monday, April 7, 2008, all Treasury marketable bills, notes, bonds and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) will be available to the public in minimum and multiple amounts of $100. Marketable Treasury securities have been available in $1,000 minimums and multiples since August 1998.

"U.S. Treasury securities, the world's safest, most liquid investments, should be accessible to the broadest universe of investors- large and small. The new, lower minimum Treasury amount will put marketable securities within reach of more savers and investors in the United States and around the world," said Anthony Ryan, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Markets. "In addition, being able to buy securities in $100 increments adds a new degree of flexibility for all market participants."

All Treasury bills, notes, bonds and TIPS may now be sold and transferred in multiples of $100. The new minimum and multiples will also apply to outstanding Treasury marketable securities effective April 7, 2008. Previously, the securities could only be transferred in increments of $1,000.

Treasury securities can be purchased non-competitively on original issue directly from the Treasury after opening either a TreasuryDirect account online at or a Legacy Treasury Direct account. Securities can also be obtained on either a competitive or non-competitive basis through bond brokers and dealers. More information on how to purchase Treasury marketable securities can be found on, including questions and answers about the $100 minimum.

Additionally, the minimum and multiple par amount of Treasury securities that may be stripped in the Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities (STRIPS) program will be reduced to $100 beginning April 7, 2008.