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Special Initiatives: Assessing Existing Efforts to Increase Adherence to Medications

The goal of this initiative is to assess innovative interventions being implemented to increase adherence to highly active anti-retroviral treatment (HAART) among underserved populations.

The Adherence Initiative consists of two components:

  • Twelve adherence support programs serving people with HIV receiving HAART
  • The Center for Adherence Support Evaluation (CASE) at the New York Academy of Medicine
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The twelve clinic-based programs currently deliver HIV medical care to underserved
populations and have fully operational adherence support programs for their clients
receiving HAART. The programs were selected to receive funding from the HRSA
Special Programs of National Significance (SPNS) to evaluate their adherence programs because their adherence interventions were considered innovative. The programs serve a variety of populations, but all target uninsured or underinsured people with HIV who have difficulty accessing care. They use a range of different adherence interventions, but all seek to improve the ability of their clients to successfully adhere to HAART. In addition, they all provide some sort of non-cash incentive for participating in the research study. No clients are prevented from receiving the services of their programs if they choose not to participate in the study.

For more in-depth information, please see:

Cross-Site Evaluation as a Methodology: The Case of Antiretroviral Adherence Support Interventions


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