Market Research Guidelines - Self contained, closed products

Corresponding Rule

Case Study #7

  1. Requirements
  2. Talking Points for the Requirements Statement
  3. Section 508 Applicable Standards
  4. Market Research
  5. Conclusion - Key Market Research Elements

Requirements for Self-contained Copier/Printer/Fax

We require a self-contained copier, printer, and fax machine, or any combination thereof, for the public reading room in the "fictitious" Headquarters Building in Washington, DC. Members of the public use the small reading room to search regulations, copy older documents and print on-line copies of the newer regulations. Since the reading room is open to all members of the public, and is also used by Federal employees, the procurement must meet the applicable accessibility requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Members of the public will only use the copier and printer functionalities.

An attendant assists the public and faxes information in response to fax or telephone requests. The attendant has limited dexterity including weakness of hands and mild hand tremors and works from a wheel chair. This procurement must meet the critical Section 508 requirements (listed below) to ensure the attendant's accessibility to all components of this procurement.

Due to space limitations, the equipment must fit within 12 square feet of floor space. The reading room has a worktable with a standard keyboard connected to a computer loaded with Microsoft Word 2000 and .pdf copies of regulations. We plan to upgrade to Microsoft Word 2003 within a year. The equipment must work with the existing software and the scheduled upgrade. The ambient noise level is below 40 dB. The copier/printer/fax should produce output in color and meet the following requirements:

Copier/printer output: 1600 to 2400 pages per month (color) Fax throughput: 200 pages per month Speed: Minimum of 5 pages per minute Footprint: 12 sq.ft., or less Access: A mechanism (such as an access code) to restrict the facsimile capability to the attendant Repair Service needs: 2-hour service response Compatible with: Windows 2000, Windows XP, and html and .pdf files.

Federal procurement requirements:
Compliance with the Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR) and the Section 508 Electronic and Information (EIT) Accessibility Standards, Part 1194.5, 1194.25, 1194.31 and 1194.41. The Standards are listed on the web at

Critical requirement for the attendant: Compliance with Section 508 EIT Accessibility Standards Part 1194.25 (a), (b), (c), (j) and Part 1194.23 (k) (2) through (4).

Talking Points for the Requirements Statement

Section 508 Applicable Standard Sections

Market Research

We researched equipment available in the marketplace to determine if any meet, or partially meet our requirements. Surprisingly, we found equipment in the marketplace that meets all our requirements within a self-contained product that also scans documents. We do not have to go through a complex decision making process, and can go ahead with the procurement.

Otherwise, we would have to document non-availability or partial non-availability. We would then devise a method for selecting the most compliant equipment. After evaluating the partially compliant equipment available, we would make our selection. We would still have to provide people with disabilities (members of the public and employees) access to the information or data that is not fully accessible.

Conclusion - Key Market Research Elements