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A product of the National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare, this web site provides a medium to convey timely behavioral health care news, as well as information on products and services, policy positions, and related information. The interactive and user-friendly site contains both public and "members only" sections, offers educational and membership resources, and is a venue for ordering publications. The site is located at

Physical Activity and Fitness
Weight-control Information Network (WIN) offers information on obesity, nutrition, and related topics for health professionals and the public. Materials including information on weight control and eating disorder programs can be downloaded free of charge, and there are links to other weight- or nutrition-related sites. Go to

In Print

The HealthyLifer Self-Care Guide offers tips to consumers and focuses on specific health topics. It includes a checklist for making better medical decisions, an expanded emergency care section, and 21 illustrations. Medicaid, Medicare, and Spanish editions are available.

Designed to provide consumers with preventive and self-care information to reduce health care costs, the flow chart format helps readers determine what a medical emergency is, when to call a doctor, what self-care procedures to use, and more. Each publication can be used as a workshop tool, in conjunction with an instructor's guide and video. For more information, contact the American Institute for Preventive Medicine, 30445 Northwestern Highway, Suite 350, Farmington Hills, MI 48334, or call (248)539-1800.

Environmental Health
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention: Strategies and Resources describes the threat to the well-being of children who come in contact with lead. It describes intervention strategies for regional, State, and local health professionals, as well as gives information to parents. For a single copy, available at no cost, write to National Maternal and Child Health Clearinghouse at 2070 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 450, Vienna, VA 22182-2536, or call (703)821-8955, or fax (703)832-2098.

On Disk

Health at Home has been converted into two software programs available for Intranet, Internet, and PC use. These interactive programs assist hospitals and managed care organizations that market their services and who want to provide consumers with self-care information. One package is written in hypertext markup language and can be loaded onto the Intranet or an organization's Internet home page. For a preview disc, write to the American Institute for Preventive Medicine, 30445 Northwestern Highway, Suite 350, Farmington Hills, MI 48334, or call (248)539-1800.

Educational Aid

Physical Activity and Fitness
A variety of health and fitness campaigns are available through a Midland, MI, organization to assist health promotion professionals in motivating Americans to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. One of Health Enhancement Systems' most recent projects is a 90-day campaign developed to decrease the costs and other consequences of inactivity through an incentive program to get people up and walking daily. Wellness coordinators implement "Walk This Weigh" with a custom kit containing a variety of camera-ready materials, including flyers, log forms, and promotion activities. For more information, call (800)326-2317.

Maternal and Infant Health
A new educational outreach program attempts to help women care for themselves while balancing work and family. Educational materials are aimed at improving the use of FDA-regulated products, such as medicines, health screenings, and food labels. The program targets midlife and older women and puts special emphasis on reaching underserved populations. Fax requests for information to the FDA Office of Women's Health at (301)827-0926.

Diabetes and Chronic Disabling Diseases
A diabetes prevention and management program to help reduce overall blood sugar levels and improve knowledge about diabetes management targets three main groups: employees in the early stages of diabetes, employees whose health has experienced significant erosion, and individuals at higher risk for complications. The tools used include risk assessment instruments and videos and a CD-ROM on topics, such as meal planning, as well as counseling with certified diabetes educators, phone support, and other services. For more information on the PCS Diabetes Management Program, write to Kevin Hanna, PCS Health Systems, 9501 E. Shea Boulevard, Scottsdale, AZ 85260-6719, or call (800)223-7745, or


Maternal and Infant Health
Pregnant women can obtain proper prenatal information through a toll-free telephone line linked to information and referral services nationwide and in Puerto Rico. Launched by the Department of Health and Human Services, this system automatically connects women to their State maternal and child health hotline or to one of the 22 Healthy Start prenatal care hotlines. The toll-free number is (800)311-BABY. For information in Spanish, call (800)504-7081.

In Funding

Educational and Community-Based Programs
A new 3-year, $675,000 Colorado initiative--"Colorado Healthy Steps"--is designed to foster healthy growth and development among children from birth to age 3. Families, to be recruited by Western Colorado Pediatric Associates before or immediately after their baby is born, will be offered services to enhance their children's physical, emotional, and intellectual growth and development. Services will include primary health care, home visits, a child health and development record, handouts for parents, parent groups, assessment of child development at 6-month intervals, and linkages to community resources. This initiative is a product of The Colorado Trust, which joins the Commonwealth Fund.

On Video

Violent and Abusive Behavior
A three-video series entitled, "Cancelled Lives: Letters From the Inside," chronicles the experiences of youth living in juvenile facilities and adults serving hard time in prison. The goal of this series is to open the eyes of at-risk, predelinquent, and other juvenile viewers. Each of the three videos, chronicling the lives of real people and featuring well-known celebrities, stands alone and focuses on experiences in one of three areas: violence and gangs, substance abuse, or what life is like when your are "doing time." For more information about "Cancelled Lives" or to request a free 96-page catalog describing videos, posters, books, and other educational resources, write to The Bureau For At-Risk Youth, 135 Dupont St., P.O. Box 760, Plainview, NY 11803-0760, or call (800)99-YOUTH.

Mental Health and Mental Disorders
"Voices of Strength: An Inside Look at Children's Mental Health" is a new video produced by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Center for Mental Health Services public education campaign, Caring for Every Child's Mental Health:

Communities Together. The 20-minute video highlights the stories of young people with serious emotional disturbances and their families.

The purpose of the video is to introduce children's and adolescents' mental health issues, including the fact that children with mental health problems can and do get better. Additionally, the video introduces the principles and values of the "system of care" approach to serving children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbances and their families.

The video is targeted to a broad-based audience, including families who have children with mental health problems, child-serving professionals, community leaders, policymakers, and the public. Copies of the video are available for a cost-recovery fee through CMHS National Mental Health Services Knowledge Exchange Network at (800)789-2647. A free copy of the video is available to members of the media by calling Michelle Herman at (301)443-2792.

State Initiatives

Immunization and Infectious Diseases
Children in Arizona entering kindergarten and first grade or other institutions providing instructional or custodial care are subject to a new rule regarding additional immunizations. The State of Arizona has added hepatitis B to the list of diseases for which children must be immunized, as well as a second measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination. Addition of the MMR vaccination as a requirement came about because of a recent outbreak of mumps in that State.

Cook County in Illinois has also taken measures to ensure vaccination for hepatitis B. A new State mandate requires a three-dose immunization series against hepatitis B for all children entering 5th grade, as well as those children over age 2 entering prekindergarten. This initiative will immediately affect 15,000 children, and that number is expected to climb.

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