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Archive for March, 2008

Assessment of Network Member Libraries

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

In Spring 2007, in order to better understand the assets, strengths and needs of our member organizations, the RML conducted a network member assessment via a web-based questionnaire. SurveyMonkey was used to collect responses. Two hundred and four (204) library members were eligible to participate and 142 questionnaires were returned, making for a 70% response rate. Library respondents included health sciences, academic (non-health sciences), public, government, corporate and other libraries.

The NN/LM PNR would like to thank all the network member libraries that participated in the assessment and contributed to the information that was collected. Over the next years of our contract your responses will help the RML shape and improve NN/LM PNR services. Also, responses will provide baseline data for evaluating the effectiveness of our program during our current 5-year contract with the National Library of Medicine.

A full analysis and report will be made available soon. Evaluation consultant, Dr. Cynthia Olney, of the Outreach Evaluation and Resource Center, is finalizing it.

In the meantime, here are some interesting highlights from sections of the report: (more…)

Geeks Bearing Gifts Class at WMLA, March 27

Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

Geeks Bearing Gifts is a course designed to get you thinking about how new and evolving web technologies can transform your library’s services and your own professional development. Geeks will be offered at beautiful Bastyr University in Kenmore, Washington on Thursday, March 27 from 8:30 to noon. The course is approved for 4 hours of MLA CE credit.


WSMA Questionnaire

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

Date: March 11, 2008

To: Washington State Health Sciences Librarians

From: Sherrilynne Fuller, Director, Health Sciences Libraries and Associate
Dean, University Libraries, University of Washington

Re: WSMA questionnaire

On March 5, the Washington State Medical Association (WSMA) sent out a web-based questionnaire to its membership that was developed by WSMA, the University of Washington Health Sciences Library, and the RML.

The survey is designed to assess physician information needs, their use of online clinical resources, and their familiarity with PubMed and other NLM resources. It also asks about interest in training about NLM resources, while noting that many excellent additional resources are available to those physicians who have privileges at hospitals with librarians. Based on the response, the RML hopes to offer NLM training sessions, in conjunction with WSMA functions around the state.

Since you may be getting questions about the survey, I wanted to alert you to it, and provide a copy of a PDF version of the questionnaire.

The survey introduction refers to a project in development (HEAL-WA) that will be an online clinical resource to provide evidence-based healthcare information to participating licensed health professionals in Washington State beginning in 2009. The HEAL-WA project will provide access to eligible users via a variety of online health information including selected full-text journals, databases and ebooks via a “portal” (that will be separate from — and more limited than — the Healthlinks portal provided to UW faculty, staff and students). HEAL-WA is being developed in accordance with the 2007 action of the Washington State Legislature, and will be funded by special license fees from participating professionals, including registered nurses and licensed practical nurses, physicians, physician assistants, osteopathic physicians, osteopathic physicians’ assistants, naturopaths, podiatrists, chiropractors, psychologists, optometrists, mental health counselors, massage therapists, clinical social workers, and acupuncturists. More information about the HEAL-WA project is at

Valerie Lawrence is working on initial design of the HEAL-WA portal. There will be an update at the WMLA meeting, end of March.

We really look forward to results from the WSMA survey and will certainly be sharing what is learned with all of you.

Change is Coming: NIH Public Access Policy

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

April 7, 2008 will be an important day for scholarly communication. All NIH-funded research articles accepted for publication on or after April 7 must be deposited in PubMed Central, the National Library of Medicine’s free archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.

This and other changes to the NIH Public Access Policy will significantly expand public access to publicly funded research. Librarians at universities and other research organizations have an important role to play in facilitating institutional compliance with the new rules.

The Association of Research Libraries has developed a Guide for Research Universities to aid understanding of how the policy changes will be implemented. This resource includes guidance for negotiating author/publisher agreements and submitting manuscripts to PubMed Central. The Institutional Responses section outlines appropriate roles for investigators, research administrators, legal counsel, and librarians. The Resources section lists examples of several universities’ approaches to communication about the policy.