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ASCA Guest Observer Facility

UK ASCA Data Archive

The UK ASCA Data Archive in Leicester is based on CD-ROMs provided by the HEASARC. The CDROMs contain only a subset of the files available for each sequence at the HEASARC, those considered essential to the ASCA data analysis. The files not included, i.e. light cuves and spectra; telemetry files; HK FITS files, can be obtained from the HEASARC if necessary. While the Leicester copy will lag the HEASARC original in terms of new public releases and reprocessing, it should provide the UK community faster access to the ASCA archive.

UK ASCA Data Archive at Leicester

This file was last modified on Thursday, 28-Oct-1999 17:35:43 EDT
Curator: Michael Arida (SP Sys);
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility
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This file was last modified on Thursday, 28-Oct-1999 17:35:43 EDT

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