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Metro Transit planning documents

Guidance for the delivery of Metro public transportation services is provided primarily by the Comprehensive Plan for Public Transportation and the Strategic Plan for Public Transportation 2007-2016 (see below for details of these plans).

Note: Both plans are in the process of being updated. For more information on the update process, see Updating the plans in 2008.

The Comprehensive Plan for Public Transportation

This plan sets the policy basis for King County Metro Transit. It identifies goals, objectives, and high-level policies to guide the management and development of public transportation services. Originally developed in 1993 as the Long Range Planning Framework, it was updated and renamed the Comprehensive Plan for Public Transportation in 2007. The update involved the addition of new policies to address locally developed transit services and transit-oriented development and to incorporate the Transit Now program.

Strategic Plan for Public Transportation, 2007-2016

King County Metro Transit’s Strategic Plan for Public Transportation provides the framework for transit service and capital investments for the next 10 years. Adopted in November 2007, the Strategic Plan replaces and updates the 2002-2007 Six Year Transit Development Plan. It sets forth strategies for transit, paratransit, and rideshare services and supporting capital facilities in King County, and guides annual operating and capital program decisions that define Metro services. It also incorporates the voter-approved Transit Now program and includes new strategies to address transit-oriented development and locally developed transit.

Contact us

If you have questions or comments about these plans or the update process, please contact Lisa Shafer,, 206‑684‑1059.

Last update: February 27, 2008

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