Dept. of Transportation
Metro Transit Division

King Street Center
201 S Jackson St
Seattle, WA 98104
Metro Online Home

Make an Impact with the Ultimate Mass-Reach Media

Metro offers exterior bus card advertisements and full-back bus advertising programs.

Whatever your promotional needs are, let Metro's buses do the advertising work for you. Advertising on Metro is the cost-efficient way to deliver your advertising message to the masses, with larger-than-life messages that people simply can't ignore.

The benefits are many:

  • Greater reach and frequency: Reach more of the market, and with more frequency.
  • The Right Place at the Right Time: Your ads are seen at the best possible time-when people are out of the house or office and ready to respond.
  • 24/7 Exposure: Reach people all day, every day. Your ads are seen non-stop by people around the clock, seven days per week.
  • Photo of buses at Central Base
    Our fleet is ready to carry your message

  • Super Value: Transit advertising typically costs less than television, radio, newspaper or billboards.
  • Captive Audience: Your exterior bus ads are seen by motorists behind and beside the bus, often in stopped traffic. Pedestrians notice your ads, too!
  • Brand Recognition: Bus ads stimulate immediate recognition of who you are, what you have to offer and where to find you. The larger-than-life impact makes your business appear larger than life, too, and builds exceptional recall when people are seeking your product or service. Bus ads also complement and reinforce your overall advertising program.

bus back example
Exterior Bus Back


bus side example
Exterior Bus Side

For more information, please contact:

Pamela Quadros
VP/Market Manager
TITAN Outdoor
4636 East Marginal Way
Suite B100
Seattle, Wa 98134
Tel: 206.762.2531
Fax: 206.762.2532 [external link]