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Table 9. Accidents, Fatalities, and Rates, 1988 through 2007,
for U.S. Air Carriers Operating Under 14 CFR 135,
On-Demand Operations
 Year  Accidents Fatalities Flight Hours Accidents
per 100,000
Flight Hours
All Fatal Total Aboard All Fatal
1988 102 28 59 55 2,632,000 3.88 1.06
1989 110 25 83 81 3,020,000 3.64 0.83
1990 107 29 51 49 2,249,000 4.76 1.29
1991 88 28 78 74 2,241,000 3.93 1.25
1992 76 24 68 65 2,844,000 2.67 0.84
1993 69 19 42 42 2,324,000 2.97 0.82
1994 85 26 63 62 2,465,000 3.45 1.05
1995 75 24 52 52 2,486,000 3.02 0.97
1996 90 29 63 63 3,220,000 2.80 0.90
1997 82 15 39 39 3,098,000 2.65 0.48
1998 77 17 45 41 3,802,000 2.03 0.45
1999 74 12 38 38 3,204,000 2.31 0.37
2000 80 22 71 68 3,930,000 2.04 0.56
2001 72 18 60 59 2,997,000 2.40 0.60
2002 60 18 35 35 2,911,000 2.06 0.62
2003 73 18 42 40 2,927,000 2.49 0.61
2004 66 23 64 63 3,238,000 2.04 0.71
2005 65 11 18 16 3,815,000 1.70 0.29
2006 53 10 16 16 3,742,000 1.42 0.27
2007 62 14 43 43 3,668,000 1.69 0.38


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