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Utah Water Science Center


Reports from the Utah District

Recently Published Reports

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Water-Supply Papers
Water-Resources Data Reports
Professional Papers
Water-Resources Investigations Reports
Scientific Investigation Reports
Scientific Investigations Maps
Open-File Reports
Fact Sheets
Data Reports
Data Series
Hydrologic Investigations Atlases
Miscellaneous Investigations Maps
Maps of Flood-Prone Areas
Hydrologic Unit Map
Reports prepared in cooperation with the State of Utah
Report products of the National Water-Quality Assessment program
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Obtaining USGS Publications and Products
USGS Utah District - Salt Lake City
USGS Information Services - Denver
The USGS Earth Science Information Center - Salt Lake City was closed in November 1999. Please use the Denver link

Other Sources for USGS authored reports
Utah Department of Natural Resources
Utah Geological Survey Bookstore

Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey still in print may be purchased from the:

USGS Information Services
Box 25286
Denver Federal Center
Denver CO 80225-0046
Tel: 888-ASK-USGS; Fax 303-202-4693 or contact any Earth Science Information Center.

Publications that are out of print at the time of this compilation are marked with an asterisk (*).

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 06-Dec-2007 15:02:59 EST