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The Louisiana Purchase Legislative Timeline

8th Congress, 2nd Session

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November 8, 1804

Caption Below
Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States. Cornelius Tiebout, engraver. [1801(?)]. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. Reproduction Number: LC-USZ62-75384
Thomas Jefferson presents his Fourth Annual Message to Congress, which mentions disagreements with Spain regarding the Louisiana territory and the formation of a temporary government in Louisiana.
Annals of Congress, 11-14; Senate Journal, 412-15; House Journal, 7-10.

Thomas Jefferson sends papers to Congress relating to the opposition of Spain to the cession of Louisiana to the United States.
Annals of Congress, Appendix, 1233-44.

Thomas Jefferson sends a message to Congress containing a “Description of the lead mines in upper Louisiana.”
American State Papers, Public Lands, volume 1, 188-91.

December 3, 1804

The House of Representatives receives “a memorial from the inhabitants of Louisiana, said to be signed by 2,000 heads of families, which takes a view of the laws of the United States, for their Territorial government.”
Annals of Congress, 727-28.

December 31, 1804

The Senate receives a communication entitled “Remonstrance of the People of Louisiana.”
Annals of Congress, Appendix, 1597-1608; American State Papers, Miscellaneous, volume 1, 396-99.

January 5, 1805

The House of Representatives receives a communication entitled “Remonstrance of the People of Louisiana.”
Annals of Congress, Appendix, 1608-19; American State Papers, Miscellaneous, volume 1, 400-6.

January 7, 1805

The Senate introduces “A bill for ascertaining and adjusting the titles and claims to land within the Territory of Orleans and district of Louisiana.”
Annals of Congress, 32.

January 25, 1805

The House of Representatives refers to a Committee of the Whole House a report on the “Revision of the Political System Adopted for Louisiana.”
Annals of Congress, 1014-19; American State Papers, Miscellaneous, volume 1, 417-18.

January 28, 1805

The House of Representatives passes a resolution “That provision ought to be made, by law, for extending to the inhabitants of Louisiana the right of self-government.”
Annals of Congress, 1020-21.

January 29, 1805

The Senate reports and reads “A bill further providing for the Government of the Territory of Orleans.”
Annals of Congress, 45-46.

February 16, 1805

The Senate amends “A bill further providing for the Government of the Territory of Orleans.”
Annals of Congress, 59-61.

February 18, 1805

The Senate passes “A bill further providing for the Government of the Territory of Orleans.”
Annals of Congress, 61.
Caption Below
The Louisiana purchase and one of its first explorers, Zebulon Montgomery Pike.... Extension of remarks of Hon. Lawrence Lewis of Colorado in the House of Representatives, Thursday, March 9, 1939. Address by the late Honorable Alva Adams of Pueblo Colo., before the students and faculty of Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo. Washington, 1939. Library of Congress Rare Book and Special Collections.

February 19, 1805

The House of Representatives reads and orders to be committed to a Committee of the Whole House “An act further providing for the Government of the Territory of Orleans.”
House Bills and Resolutions, Bill 151.

February 27, 1805

The House of Representatives amends and passes “An Act for ascertaining and adjusting the titles and claims to land, within the territory of Orleans, and the district of Louisiana.”
Annals of Congress, 1207.

February 28, 1805

The Senate agrees to House amendments and passes “An Act for ascertaining and adjusting the titles and claims to land, within the territory of Orleans, and the district of Louisiana.”
Annals of Congress, 67.

March 1, 1805

The Senate amends and passes “A bill further providing for the Government of the district of Louisiana.”
Annals of Congress, 69.

The House of Representatives passes “A bill further providing for the Government of the Territory of Orleans.”
Annals of Congress, 1211.

March 2, 1805

Thomas Jefferson signs into law “An Act further providing for the government of the territory of Orleans.”
Statutes at Large, volume 2, 322.

Thomas Jefferson signs into law “An Act for ascertaining and adjusting the titles and claims to land, within the territory of Orleans, and the district of Louisiana.”
Statutes at Large, volume 2, 324.

The House of Representatives passes “An act further providing for the Government of the district of Louisiana.”
Annals of Congress, 1215.

March 3, 1805

Thomas Jefferson signs into law “An act further providing for the Government of the district of Louisiana.”
Statutes at Large, volume 2, 331.

Introduction | 1802-1803 | 1803-1804 | 1804-1805 | 1805-1806 | 1806-1807 | Related Resources

»Lawmaking Home » The Louisiana Purchase Legislative Timeline -- 1804-1805
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