Cover:  a heron on a shoreline
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Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration News
Summer 1999

The Cost of Doing Nothing

In This Issue...

This special issue of WaterMarks is devoted to the written testimony of Jack Caldwell, secretary of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, before the United States Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on January 27, 1999. The committee was considering federal legislation to increase Louisiana's share of oil and gas royalties for financing wetlands restoration. Caldwell emphasized the price of coastal restoration and the even greater cost of "doing nothing." He identified industries threatened by wetland loss and the impact of that loss on Louisiana and the nation as a whole. Caldwell's testimony (in part) is reproduced in this issue of WaterMarks not for the purpose of supporting any federal legislation, but instead to increase public under-standing of the problem of coastal land loss in Louisiana.

For more information about Louisiana's coastal wetlands and efforts planned and under way to ensure their survival, check out these sites on the World Wide Web:

WaterMarks is published quarterly by the Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force to communicate news and issues of interest related to the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act of 1990. This legislation funds wetlands enhancement projects nationwide, designating approximately $35 million annually for work in Louisiana. The state contributes 15 percent of the cost of project construction.


Please address all questions, comments, suggestions and changes of address to:

James D. Addison
WaterMarks Editor
New Orleans District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 60267
New Orleans, LA 70160-0267
(504) 862-2201
About This Issue's Cover . . .
Herons are a common sight in Louisiana’s coastal wetlands. (ACOE Photo)