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 You are in: Bureaus/Offices Reporting Directly to the Secretary > Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism 
Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism
--Terrorist Designation Lists

Terrorist Designation Lists

  • Foreign Terrorist Organizations List (FTOs)
    Impacts travel related to terrorist organizations, makes it a crime to provide material support to terrorist organizations, and freezes the financial accounts of terrorist organizations in US financial institutions.
  • Terrorist Exclusion List (TEL)
    Impacts and restricts travel associated with terrorist organizations.
  • Executive Order 13224
    Designates both individuals as well as organizations, and contains provisions to block/freeze tangible property.

To receive email updates of additions or changes to the designations lists, please click here and select DOSDESIGNATIONS.

For  more information, please see Public Designations Unit.

See also State Sponsors of Terrorism.

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