Scientific Supercomputing at the NIH
Documentation for the Helix Systems

Documentation here is sectioned into three major parts. Unix/Linux tutorials for users unfamilliar with the Gnu/Linux operating system, User Guides for Helix-specific procedures and documentaiton, and the rest is application-specific documentation for software hosted by Helix Systems.

Linux Tutorials

Helix and Biowulf users will make most effective use of the systems if they are familiar with Gnu/Linux. The CIT Training section sometimes has introductory Unix/Linux classes.

Below are links to some tutorials which cover the basics of Gnu/Linux commands.

Introduction to Linux guide located on the the Linux Documentation Project's website.
A Basic Unix/Linux Tutorial, at Oxford University, UK.
Unix Tutorial for Beginners. Eight simple tutorials which cover the basics of Unix, at U. Surrey, UK.
User Guides

The continued growth and support of Helix Systems is dependent upon its demonstrable value to the NIH intramural program. In the past we have been successful in obtaining support by citing published work which involved the use of our systems. When publishing data resulting from usage of Helix Systems, please use the following citation in the article:

This study utilized the high-performance computational capabilities of the Helix Systems at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD (

Please report the publication of articles which made use of the Helix Systems by sending email to

Helix is the recommended system for interactive use, short or small numbers of jobs. Users who need to run computationally intensive or memory intensive jobs should apply for a Biowulf account. If you are unsure about which system is best suited to your needs or applications, contact the Helix staff at

Accounts - How to get a Helix/Biowulf account and explanation of fees.
Connecting to the Helix Systems - How to connect to the Helix Systems computers, using ssh from within or outside the NIH campus.
Transferring files to/from Helix - How to transfer files between your desktop machine and the helix systems computers.
Passwords, account locking and password aging - Security issues, password policies, and how to choose a good password.
Mail - How to use the mail system on Helix.
Policies - Policies for usage of the helix system.
Printing - How to print from the helix systems directly to your networked or local printer.
Startup files - Files that are automatically created in your account, and how to modify them.
Editors - Editors are used to create or modify files. Several editors are available.
Disk Space - Disk quotas and storage options.
Backups - Backup policies, and how to get files restored.
Training - Courses and seminars for users, some taught by the Helix staff. See also Course/seminar notes.
Keeping you informed - Messages displayed at login will keep you informed of new developments. Call or email us if you are interested in particular facilities. News and events are also posted on our web site.
Help - How to contact the helix staff for questions and problems.
Unix Man Pages

Man (manual) pages are the online information/documentation/help on Unix systems. Any man page can be accessed by typing 'man program_name' while logged into helix. They can also be searched and read on the web using the link above.

Scientific Software
The Applications section of the Helix website lists all applications available on our systems. For each scientific application there is a Helix webpage with a description of the application, how to use it on Helix or Biowulf, and links to the documentation for that application.

Helix users may read and send mail while either directly logged into Helix or remotely, by means of an IMAP (Internet message access protocol) client, or via the Squirrelmail web interface. Details about email on Helix.
C++ FAQ Lite
Fortran FAQ
Perl FAQ
Java FAQ
Python FAQ
Unix Tools
emacs FAQ
Vim Tips Wiki
Batch Systems
PBS Batch System on Biowulf
Course/Seminar Notes

Slides and notes from courses and seminars given by the Helix Systems staff.