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CERES Browse Index

The table below provides links to information and browse images for CERES data products. The browse image links are to a Browse Image Web Site containing a complete set of dynamically generated browse images or a collection of sample static browse images.

Description Sample CERES Browse Images
(Complete Static List)
Category Product Information TRMM Terra Aqua
ERBE-Like ERBE-Like Instantaneous TOA Estimates (ES-8). Browse Images for ES-8
ERBE-Like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4). Browse Images for ES-4
TOA and
Surface Products
Single Scanner Footprint TOA/Surface Fluxes and Clouds (SSF). SSF SSF *
Monthly TOA/Surface Averages (SRBAVG). SRBAVG * *
Atmosphere Products Clouds and Radiative Swath (CRS). CRS * *
Monthly Gridded Radiative Fluxes and Clouds (FSW). FSW * *
* Not yet available

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