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NMFS Public Statement in Response to Peer Reviews Conducted on
NMFS Central Valley Project
and State Water Project
Operations Biological Opinion

In July 2005, the Department of Commerce Office of the Inspector General determined that the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) deviated from its procedures for conducting interagency consultation (Section 7) pursuant to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in developing its biological opinion on the Long-Term Central Valley and State Water Project Operations Criteria and Plan (OCAP).  It recommended that NMFS obtain an objective evaluation of the scientific integrity of the biological opinion. 

NMFS requested the CalFed Bay-Delta Authority Science Program (CBDA), and the Center for Independent Experts (CIE) conduct an independent peer review to evaluate whether the scientific information used in the biological opinion was the best available.

NMFS received a total of three independent peer review reports on the biological opinion--CBDA’s Science Program’s consensus report and two CIE reviewers’ reports.   The peer review reports raised multiple and complex issues that merited evaluation in the context of future improvements to NMFS’ Section 7 program and the OCAP biological opinion.

To do that, NMFS created a committee comprised of NMFS salmon scientists from its various Science Centers.  The committee reviewed the peer review findings and has provided recommendations to NMFS regarding the feasibility of addressing the issues raised within the timeframes allowed to conduct ESA interagency consultations.

The Bureau of Reclamation (the agency NMFS consulted with on the operations of the Central Valley and State Water Projects) has requested reinitiation of consultation under Section 7 of the ESA to address recently designated critical habitat for Pacific steelhead and the recent listing of the North American green sturgeon as threatened under the ESA.  NMFS will use the opportunity of reinitiation of consultation to consider incorporating the recommendations of the peer review and NMFS science committee recommendations into the biological opinion that will result. 


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