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Statement: July 20, 2006 Print this page
    Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher's statement on Electric Quarterly Reports (EQR)

    "In Order 2001, the Commission revised its public utility filing requirements to establish the requirement for utilities and power marketers to file electric quarterly reports, or EQRs, which are a summary of the contractual terms and conditions in their agreements for all jurisdictional services, and providing transaction information for short- and long-term power sales during the previous three-month period.

    In a December 2005 Order, the Commission announced that it would revoke the market-based rate authority of eight utilities that had failed to file their required EQR reports in 2005.

    I am pleased to announce that our records show that all companies with active market-based rate authority have filed their First Quarter EQRs for the first time. We have something like 1200 companies that have market-based rate authority, and this is the first time that we had all 1200 file their EQRs in a timely manner.

    I think the practice we've developed over the past year or so, of revocation upon untimely filings, must be prompting timely filings. I want to thank the companies for their diligence in saving us the trouble of initiating revocation proceedings."
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Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher
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Updated: August 22, 2006