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Defense Spectrum Organization (DSO)/Joint Spectrum Center (JSC)

Image for Defense Spectrum Organization (DSO)/Joint Spectrum Center (JSC)
Long Description

The Joint Spectrum Center (JSC) (a field office within the Defense Spectrum Organization [DSO]) has leading experts in the areas of spectrum planning, electromagnetic environmental effects (E3), information systems, modeling and simulation, and operations to provide complete, spectrum-related services to the military departments and combatant commands. The JSC has extensive experience in applying electromagnetic environmental databases and analysis tools to assist in both the acquisition and operation of communications-electronics assets.

The JSC is a source of engineering expertise and services dedicated to ensuring effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum.



JSC Division Discriptions

Operational Support (J3):  (Links to  Provides communications-electronics and electromagnetic battlespace support, and joint spectrum interference resolution support to the Combatant Commands.

Research, Development, and Acquisition (RD&A) Division (J5) (On DAU):  Researches, assesses, and models emerging spectrum technologies, manages the DoD electromagnetic environmental effects (E3) program, provides E3 advice and training, develops EM spectrum models and simulations, provides spectrum policy technical advice and assessments. J5 on

Information Systems Division (J6):  (Links to Provides and maintains spectrum planning services, E3 models and simulations, and information systems.

Business Operations Division (OS2):  (Links to Provides spectrum strategic policy and regulatory advice, engineering technical and analytical assistance to the DoD, and supports the personnel, financial, and security requirements of the JSC.

Applied Engineering Division (J8):  (Links to analyzes performance of spectrum-dependant systems in their intended operational EM environments, and helps Program Managers minimize system acquisition costs and schedules.



The JSC has assembled leading experts in spectrum planning, electromagnetic environmental effects (E3), information systems, modeling and simulation, and operations. These experts provide complete, one-stop spectrum-related services to the military departments and COCOMs. The JSC applies electromagnetic environmental databases and analysis tools and over three decades of experience to assist in both the acquisition and operation of communications-electronics assets. Our services include:

Spectrum Planning Guidance

To field communications systems, clear and accurate spectrum planning is necessary. New systems must be able to operate with other systems both at home and abroad. It is critical that host nation approval is obtained for permission to use a system abroad and to ensure successful operations of the system. With our knowledge of spectrum use and planning, we can help you select the proper frequency plan for your systems. Our knowledge base is underscored by our support to hundreds of DoD programs and our active role in the spectrum certification process.


The dependence of modern military operations on electronic systems often means that multiple radiating and receiving equipment must be placed in close proximity, often on the same platform. This can lead to co-site interference that degrades system performance. The JSC has leading experts in preventing and solving co-site problems. Our experts use unique in-house capabilities, such as specialized equipment parameter databases, sophisticated coupling models, and interference analysis tools, designed specifically to predict when co-site interference will occur so remedial measures can be implemented.


The ability of a system to operate compatibly with other systems within its intended electromagnetic environment has become a critical factor in both system acquisition and operational planning. The JSC provides complete environmental analyses using worldwide frequency assignment data, extensive equipment parameter databases, and sophisticated analysis models that can predict when, where, and how interference might occur for terrestrial, air, and space-borne systems.


The JSC has extensive experience in performing the detailed planning required to ensure that system testing is not compromised by electromagnetic interference at the test site. We also perform system-level tests to ensure that an emerging system has electronic characteristics which will promote electromagnetic compatibility with other systems in its electromagnetic environment. The JSC test facility features over 2700 square feet of shielded enclosures that meet NSA 65-6 and MIL-STD-485 requirements, calibrated equipment for conducting measurements at frequencies from DC to 40 GHz, and customized test configurations.


The JSC assisted in development of the methodologies currently in use by the DoD to determine the vulnerability of a system to interception and jamming. We can assist in applying these methodologies to analyze your system.


The ability of modern military systems to effectively share the spectrum in congested battlefield environments can only be accomplished via the use of sophisticated, user-friendly spectrum management software systems. The JSC has developed nearly all of the spectrum management systems in use by our military services today.


The JSC can assist in the planning of exercises or contingencies by using JSC databases and modeling tools to generate frequency plans and restricted frequency lists. Our planning will ensure that military operations are not hampered by harmful electromagnetic interference interactions. The JSC can also identify the sources of, and suggest solutions to, interference that can degrade the effectiveness of modern military systems.


JSC E3 Document Library

JSC E3/SS Awareness Training Schedule and Class List

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