SPECTRUM XXI is a client/server, Windows-based software system that provides frequency managers with a single information system that addresses spectrum management automation requirements. Spectrum XXI supports operational planning as well as near real-time management of radio frequency spectrum with an emphasis on assigning compatible frequencies and performing spectrum engineering tasks. Interconnected through a Wide Area Network, the software extends connectivity to civilian, military, and federal spectrum management entities.


Course Description: This course will train students on the use of SPECTRUM XXI software. This is not a course on spectrum management. It is a course on how to use SPECTRUM XXI to assist you with your spectrum management duties. There is a 13-student maximum for each class. In addition, at least 6 students must be registered in order for a class to be held.

Audience: Federal/DoD civilians and contractors. Requests for class seats from DoD/Federal contractors must be submitted by their government sponsors.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of your spectrum management process is not required, but is very helpful.

For DoD students, knowledge of the Standard Frequency Action Format (SFAF) is highly recommended (refer to the MCEB Pub 7 and the Data Formatting document).

For Federal students, knowledge of the Government Master File (GMF) format is also highly recommended (refer to NTIA Manual, chapter 9). Contact NTIA at the following number (202) 482-3012 in order to obtain a copy.

2008 Schedule in Bowie, MD

All classes start at 8 a.m. and end at 4 p.m. daily.

  • July 8 – 17
  • August 19 – 28
  • October 21 – 30

Training Schedule for 2009

  • 6 January – 15 January
  • 17 March – 26 March
  • 12 May – 21 May
  • 14 July – 23 July
  • 15 September – 24 September
  • 27 October – 5 November

To register for a training class or for more information, please contact the SPECTRUM XXI Help Desk.