The Joint Spectrum Center (JSC) Research, Development and Acquisition Division RD&A (JSC/J5) currently:

  • Research, assess, and models emerging spectrum technologies
  • Manage the DoD electromagnetic environmental effects (E3) program
  • Provides E3 advice and training
  • Develops EM spectrum models and simulations
  • Provides spectrum policy technical advice and assessments


The JSC RD&A Division provides E3 and Spectrum Supportability courses for acquisition professionals. E3 training seminars are provided on-site at the sponsoring organization’s location. To attend a scheduled course or to receive on-site training, contact the JSC RD&A Division at A description of the available of JSC E3 training courses are available at:

E3/SS Awareness Training Schedule (Defense Acquisition University)


A wide range of EST offers new challenges to the DoD Spectrum Management (SM) and E3 communities. Fundamental changes are required in the way the DoD obtains and utilizes its spectrum resources to effectively employ EST. These new technologies include ultra-wideband systems, software-defined radios, smart antennas, and adaptive waveforms. The major EST thrust areas include a Spectrum Testbed Initiative, Spectrum Operations Transformation, Data and Model Standardization and Technology and Policy Initiatives.

The JSC RD&A Division enables the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration (ASD/NII) to identify the opportunities and risks of EST in the early stages of technology development. The main EST areas are:

  • Assessments - assesses implications of EST on DoD use and access to the spectrum
  • Management systems - addresses the transformation of SM and E3 concepts and tools required for future spectrum operations to accommodate EST systems and emerging warfighter concepts
  • Measurements - develop core capabilities and data sets to support EST model development and validation and provide measurement and monitoring engagement teams for direct engagement with test, training, and concept demonstration activities.
  • Modeling - develop analytical capabilities required to quantify the implications of EST in support of JSC analytical studies and DoD modeling and simulation requirements.

EST on Defense Acquisition University DKO Icon


DoDD 3222.3 requires operational EMC for all electronic and electrical systems, subsystems, and equipment developed, acquired, and operated by the DoD Components. Operational electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and effective E3 control is achieved when systems, subsystems, and equipment operate in their intended EME without suffering unacceptable performance degradation from E3 or causing unintentional performance degradation to other systems. CJCSI 3170.01E and CJCSM 3170.01B establish policy and guidance, respectively, for addressing E3 and spectrum supportability in ICDs, CDDs, CPDs, ISPs, TEMPs, and Combatant Commanders C2IPs. CJCSI 6212.01C establishes assessment criteria for each document and establishes the Joint Staff J6I JCPAT tool.

The JSC, in support of the Joint Staff (J6I) Joint C4I Program Assessment Tool (JCPAT), provides interoperability assessments of Initial Capabilities Documents (ICDs), Capability Development Documents (CDDs), Capability Production Documents (CPDs), and Information Support Plans (ISPs). The JSC conducts reviews of these documents in accordance with CJCSI 6212.01D to ensure that E3 and Spectrum Certification and Supportability are adequately addressed and documented. The JSC also reviews Combatant Commanders Command and Control Initiatives (C2IPs) for the Joint Staff to ensure spectrum certification and supportability are achieved.


The primary goal of the Joint Ordnance E3 Program is to collect, develop, and provide the data needed by operational commanders and warfare planners to efficiently manage conflicts between ordnance and radio frequency emitters employed in an integrated joint operation or exercise. With this information, the Warfighter can make informed decisions regarding the risks associated with the use of certain emitters/ordnance devices.


The RD&A Division maintains the JOERAD (JSC Ordnance E3 Risk Assessment Database) software tool that was designed to expedite risk assessments of ordnance and platform emitters in joint exercises and operations. JOERAD accesses massive databases for technical specifications for ordnance and emitters, calculates their vulnerabilities, and then displays the results in a comprehensive format for planning and warfare operations creating a safety or operational reliability problem.


The JOCG for HERO was tasked to develop a computer-based software program (Maximum Allowable Environment (MAE) program)capable of predicting the theoretical maximum response of an ordnance system's EIDs to a wide range of EMEs and translating this information into service guidance in the form of maximum allowable environments (MAEs). In addition, the program is also capable of calculating the distance at which an ordnance system will remain safe and reliable from a given emitter source. The calculations are based on the characteristics of the transmitter/antenna system and the ordnance system's MAE for the frequency range of concern. The safe separation distance calculations take into account both near-field and far-field effects. The program is primarily intended for use by service personnel and contractors who are tasked with analyzing ordnance (containing EIDs) with respect to HERO and providing maximum safe operating EMEs to end users of ordnance items. It may also be used by ordnance manufacturers, and contractors who are either designing, building, evaluating ordnance systems and have the requirement to address the adequacy of the EMC attributes.


The EMEs that weapon systems are subjected to, particularly in joint shipboard flight deck operations, are extreme and dynamic. It is imperative that measurements be made to ensure that systems can operate effectively in these environments. The primary concerns are understanding the complex environment aboard aircraft carriers and other air-capable ships, as well as understand the operating environment associated with Joint and Coalition operations.

With the increase of Joint Integrated Operations, the need to quantify the overall operational EME has intensified. The JSC is working with the Naval Surface Warfare Center - Dahlgren Division (NSWC-DD) to fund and execute both HERO and EME surveys aboard ships and at forward deployed bases to develop an EME database for JOERAD and other tools as well as to ensure operational safety.


The primary means by which the J5 coordinates the development of HERO policy, procedures, and tools is through leadership of the HERO subgroup of the Joint Ordnance Commander's Group (JOCG). The JOCG tasked the HERO subgroup to:

  • Review and coordinate technological advances in the characterization and standardization of Electrically Initiated Devices (EIDs)
  • Develop Joint Service HERO test methodology
  • Coordinate and negotiate with other services' HERO implementation

The DoD EMCS area addresses requirements and procedures to achieve electromagnetic compatibility, within all frequency ranges of platforms, facilities, electrical and electronic systems/equipment, circuits and components. LSAs manage and coordinate standardization efforts to ensure the optimal degree of standardization across the DoD. Included are:

  • Standards for prediction, measurement and validation for EMC
  • Standards for techniques and procedures relating to grounding, bonding, and shielding
  • Standards for prevention and control of electromagnetic radiation to personnel equipment (including hazardous material and substances)
  • Standards relating to the prevention of deleterious electromagnetic effects resulting from nuclear detonations (e.g., EMI and EMP)