Information Systems division supplies the Spectrum Management And Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) tools, battlefield spectrum management systems, and associated database resources used by our warfighting forces.


Joint Spectrum Center (JSC) software engineers have provided software services to the DoD for over 30 years. These services include E3 and spectrum management software system development, post deployment software support, and independent verification and validation (IV&V) services. Our multidisciplinary project teams, in concert with a software process tailored to the JSC environment, have produced analytical models that have become de facto DoD standards for E3 analysis. Many of the battlefield spectrum management tools used by our military forces today have been developed by the JSC. JSC-developed systems have been taken to the battlefield in support of Operations DESERT SHIELD, DESERT STORM, and RESTORE DEMOCRACY, and used during exercises (e.g., JRX COBRA GOLD and ROVING SANDS). Our reputation in software development has led to our playing a lead role in defining the requirements for the U.S. Coast Guard's next-generation automated systems.


The JSC developed and maintains an extensive set of databases to support E3 communities. These databases provide information relevant to the analysis and resolution of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electromagnetic interference (EMI), and radiation hazards (RADHAZ) to ordnance. The JSC currently obtains most of its data in automated form from external sources; however, some data is manually entered into the central database by the JSC staff. This data is acquired and stored in one of several automated databases at the JSC to support internal and external users.


Equipment Characteristics Data

The Equipment portion of the JETS Database contains detailed technical information about communications, radar, and electronic warfare equipment. Data is extracted from credible industry sources such as technical manuals, J/F 12 Applications for Frequency Allocation, JSC project activities, and manufacturer brochures. In addition to a summary description of each communications-electronics system, detailed operational parameters for each subsystem and component are maintained. Together, these two elements provide a complete picture of each system. Data is primarily on US military systems; however, information is also maintained for many commercial systems. Technical characteristics for over 35,000 terrestrial systems are available.

Space Satellite Data

The Space portion of the JETS Database contains nominal operating characteristics for planned satellites and for satellites currently in operation. The database includes administrative data, orbital location information, telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) data, operating frequencies, and other technical characteristics associated with each satellite. Most of the data is extracted at the JSC from IT U International Frequency Information Circulars (IFIC) and from US Space Command orbital element sets. Technical and orbital characteristics information for over 5,000 commercial and military satellites is available.


The Tactical portion of the JETS Database contains data on US military force command structures, associated equipment and platform inventories, and platform configurations. The two primary views of this data are:

  1. Equipment and platforms inventory data describes communications-electronics (C-E) equipment and platforms authorized to typical military units and assigned to real-world US military organizations.
  2. Platform Configuration data includes the C-E equipment found on US weapon systems and mobile platforms such as ships, aircraft, and tanks.

JETS Tactical data is compiled from the primary inventory databases maintained by each of the military Services. These sources include:

  • Global Status of Resource & Training System (GSORTS)
  • Federal Logistics (FEDLOG)
  • Army Master Data File (AMDF)
  • Army Continuous Balance System - Expanded (CBS-X)
  • The Army Authorized Document System (TAADS)
  • Navy Afloat Master Planning System (AMPS)
  • Naval Avionics Installation Plan (NAIP)
  • Air Force Avionics Planning Baseline (APB)
  • Air Force Aerospace Vehicle Inventory (AVI)
  • Air Force Logistics Detail (LOGDET)
  • USMC Total Force Structure Management System (TFSMS)


The Frequency-Environmental (FE) Database is comprised of externally acquired data files that are integrated into a standard format and that represent the most comprehensive database available of worldwide frequency assignment data.


In accordance with MCEB Pub 7, the JSC is responsible for maintaining the central Frequency Record Resource System (FRRS) database. The FRRS contains information on DoD frequency assignments used throughout the world that are controlled by the Commanders in Chief (COCOM) of the Unified Commands and the Military Departments (MILDEPs). The FRRS is a centralized record repository for all permanent frequency assignments held 90 days or longer. All data is maintained (and updated daily) at the JSC Central Computing Facility (CCF). This database provides the interface for processing frequency assignment actions between DoD organizations and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).