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Border Health Program


Residents living along the U.S.-Mexico border experience greater rates of communicable illnesses, particularly tuberculosis and vaccine preventable illnesses, than other groups of people across the Nation, primarily due to a lack of clean water and proper sewage disposal. Frequent movement between both countries within the U.S. compromises continuity of health care for residents of this area. Additionally, the four States in the border area have some of the highest rates of poverty, unemployment, and uninsured people in the Nation. To address these challenges, the Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA) Border Health Program (BHP) was established in 1996.


The BHP mission is to improve the health status of people living in U.S. communities located within the U.S.-Mexico border area through specific HRSA activities, improved agency coordination, and external partnership development.


The BHP works closely with border health coordinators in HRSA's Dallas and San Francisco Field Offices to manage contracts, develop partnerships, develop the HRSA Border Health Strategic/Spending Plan, and sponsor meetings.


Border Health Program
Division of Programs for Special Pop.
Bureau of Primary Health Care
4350 East-West Highway, 9th floor
Bethesda, MD 20814
301 /594-4897
301/594-2470 FAX
Border Health Coordinator
HRSA Dallas Field Office 
1200 Main Tower Building, Rm 1800
Dallas, Texas 75202

Border Health Coordinator
HRSA San Francisco Field Office 
Federal Office Building
50 U.N. Plaza
San Francisco, California 94102


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Reviewed 01/31/03